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Summarize and Compare Model Fits

de_analysis() de_analysis_control_default()

Differential Expression Analysis using a Topic Model

embedding_plot_2d() embedding_plot_2d_ggplot_call() pca_plot() tsne_plot() umap_plot() pca_hexbin_plot() pca_hexbin_plot_ggplot_call()

PCA, t-SNE and UMAP Plots

pca_from_topics() tsne_from_topics() umap_from_topics()

Low-dimensional Embeddings from Poisson NMF or Multinomial Topic Model


Fit Simple Multinomial Model

fit_poisson_nmf() fit_poisson_nmf_control_default() init_poisson_nmf() init_poisson_nmf_from_clustering()

Fit Non-negative Matrix Factorization to Count Data


Simple Interface for Fitting a Multinomial Topic Model

loglik_poisson_nmf() loglik_multinom_topic_model() deviance_poisson_nmf() cost()

NMF and Topic Model Likelihoods and Deviances

loadings_plot() loadings_plot_ggplot_call()

Loadings Plot


Combine Topics in Multinomial Topic Model


Recover Poisson NMF Fit from Multinomial Topic Model Fit


Mixture of 10 FACS-purified PBMC Single-Cell RNA-seq data

plot_loglik_vs_rank() loglik_vs_rank_ggplot_call()

Plot Log-Likelihood Versus Rank


Plot Progress of Model Fitting Over Time


Recover Multinomial Topic Model Fit from Poisson NMF fit

predict(<poisson_nmf_fit>) predict(<multinom_topic_model_fit>)

Predict Methods for Poisson NMF and Multinomial Topic Model


Perform HOMER Motif Enrichment Analysis using DE Genomic Positions

select(<poisson_nmf_fit>) select(<multinom_topic_model_fit>) select_loadings()

Extract or Re-order Data Rows in Poisson NMF or Multinomial Topic Model Fit


Simulate Count Data from Poisson NMF Model

simulate_poisson_gene_data() simulate_multinom_gene_data()

Simulate Gene Expression Data from Poisson NMF or Multinomial Topic Model


Simulate Toy Gene Expression Data

structure_plot() structure_plot_default_embed_method() plot(<poisson_nmf_fit>) plot(<multinom_topic_model_fit>) structure_plot_ggplot_call()

Structure Plot

summary(<poisson_nmf_fit>) summary(<multinom_topic_model_fit>) print(<summary.poisson_nmf_fit>) print(<summary.multinom_topic_model_fit>)

Summarize Poisson NMF or Multinomial Topic Model Fit

volcano_plot() plot(<topic_model_de_analysis>) volcano_plotly() volcano_plot_do_label_default() volcano_plot_ggplot_call() volcano_plot_ly_call()

Volcano Plots for Visualizing Results of Differential Expression Analysis