Performs a Bayesian multiple linear regression of Y on X. That is, this function fits the regression model $$Y = \sum_l X b_l + e,$$ where the elements of \(e\) are i.i.d. normal with zero mean and variance residual_variance, and the sum \(\sum_l b_l\) is a vector of p effects to be estimated. The SuSiE assumption is that each \(b_l\) has exactly one non-zero element.

  L = 10,
  prior_variance = 0.2,
  residual_variance = NULL,
  prior_weights = NULL,
  standardize = TRUE,
  intercept = TRUE,
  approximate = FALSE,
  estimate_residual_variance = FALSE,
  estimate_prior_variance = TRUE,
  estimate_prior_method = "EM",
  check_null_threshold = 0,
  prior_tol = 1e-09,
  compute_objective = TRUE,
  s_init = NULL,
  coverage = 0.95,
  min_abs_corr = 0.5,
  compute_univariate_zscore = FALSE,
  precompute_covariances = FALSE,
  n_thread = 1,
  max_iter = 100,
  tol = 0.001,
  verbosity = 2,
  track_fit = FALSE

  prior_variance = 0.2,
  residual_variance = NULL,

  L = 10,
  X_colmeans = NULL,
  Y_colmeans = NULL,
  prior_variance = 0.2,
  residual_variance = NULL,
  prior_weights = NULL,
  standardize = TRUE,
  estimate_residual_variance = FALSE,
  estimate_prior_variance = TRUE,
  estimate_prior_method = "EM",
  check_null_threshold = 0,
  prior_tol = 1e-09,
  compute_objective = TRUE,
  precompute_covariances = FALSE,
  s_init = NULL,
  coverage = 0.95,
  min_abs_corr = 0.5,
  n_thread = 1,
  max_iter = 100,
  tol = 0.001,
  verbosity = 2,
  track_fit = FALSE



N by J matrix of covariates.


Vector of length N, or N by R matrix of response variables.


Maximum number of non-zero effects.


Can be either (1) a vector of length L, or a scalar, for scaled prior variance when Y is univariate (which should then be equivalent to susie); or (2) a matrix for a simple multivariate regression; or (3) a mixture prior from create_mixture_prior.


The residual variance


A vector of length p giving the prior probability that each element is non-zero. Note that the prior weights need to be non-negative but do not need to sum to 1; they will automatically be normalized to sum to 1 so that they represent probabilities. The default setting is that the prior weights are the same for all variables.


Logical flag specifying whether to standardize columns of X to unit variance prior to fitting. If you do not standardize you may need to think more carefully about specifying the scale of the prior variance. Whatever the value of standardize, the coefficients (returned by coef) are for X on the original input scale. Note that any column of X with zero variance is not standardized, but left as is.


Should intercept be fitted or set to zero. Setting intercept = FALSE is generally not recommended.


Specifies whether to use approximate computation for the intercept when there are missing values in Y. The approximation saves some computational effort. Note that when the residual_variance is a diagonal matrix, running mvsusie with approximate = TRUE will give same result as approximate = FALSE, but with less running time. This setting is only relevant when there are missing values in Y and intercept = TRUE.


When estimate_residual_variance = TRUE, the residual variance is estimated; otherwise it is fixed. Currently estimate_residual_variance = TRUE only works for univariate Y.


When estimate_prior_variance = TRUE, the prior variance is estimated; otherwise it is fixed. Currently estimate_prior_variance = TRUE only works for univariate Y, or for multivariate Y when the prior variance is a matrix).


The method used for estimating the prior variance; valid choices are "optim", "uniroot" or "em" for univariate Y; and "optim", "simple" for multivariate Y.


When the prior variance is estimated, the estimate is compared against the null, and the prior variance is set to zero unless the log-likelihood using the estimate is larger than that of null by this threshold. For example, setting check_null_threshold = 0.1 will “nudge” the estimate towards zero. When used with estimate_prior_method = "EM", setting check_null_threshold = NA will skip this check.


When the prior variance is estimated, compare the estimated value to this value at the end of the analysis and exclude a single effect from PIP computation if the estimated prior variance is smaller than it.


Add description of "compute_objective" input argument here.


A previous model fit with which to initialize.


Coverage of credible sets.


Minimum of absolute value of correlation allowed in a credible set. The setting min_abs_corr = 0.5 corresponds to squared correlation of 0.25, which is a commonly used threshold for genotype data in genetics studies.


When compute_univariate_zscore = TRUE, the z-scores from the per-variable univariate regressions are outputted. (Note that these z-scores are not actually used to fit the multivariate susie model.)


If precompute_covariances = TRUE, precomputes various covariance quantities to speed up computations at the cost of increased memory usage.


Maximum number of threads to use for parallel computation (only applicable when a mixture prior is used).


Maximum number of iterations to perform.


The model fitting will terminate when the increase in ELBOs between two successive iterations is less than tol.


Set verbosity = 0 for no messages; verbosity = 1 for a progress bar; and verbosity = 2 for more detailed information about the algorithm's progress at the end of each iteration.


Add attribute trace to the return value which records the algorithm's progress at each iteration.


J x R matrix of z-scores.


J x J LD matrix.


The sample size.


Alternative summary data giving the estimated effects (J X R matrix). This, together with Shat, may be provided instead of Z.


Alternative summary data giving the standard errors of the estimated effects (J X R matrix). This, together with Bhat, may be provided instead of Z.


The sample covariance of Y, defined as \(Y'Y/(N-1)\). When the sample covariance is not provided, the coefficients (returned from coef) are computed on the “standardized” X, y scale.


A J x J matrix \(X^TX\) in which the columns of \(X\) are centered to have mean zero.


A J x R matrix \(X^TY\) in which the columns of \(X\) and \(Y\) are centered to have mean zero.


An R x R matrix \(Y^TY\) in which the columns of \(Y\) are centered to have mean zero.


A vector of length J giving the column means of \(X\). If it is provided with Y_colmeans, the intercept is estimated; otherwise, the intercept is NA.


A vector of length R giving the column means of \(Y\). If it is provided with X_colmeans, the intercept is estimated; otherwise, the intercept is NA.


A multivariate susie fit, which is a list with some or all of the following elements:


L by p matrix of posterior inclusion probabilites.


L by p matrix of posterior mean single-effect estimates.


L by p matrix

of posterior mean single-effect estimates on the original input scale (same as coef).


L by p matrix of posterior second moments.


Vector of single-effect KL divergences.


Vector of single-effect log-Bayes factors.


Residual variance.


Prior variance.


Vector storing the the evidence lower bound, or “ELBO”, achieved at each iteration of the model fitting algorithm, which attempts to maximize the ELBO.


Number of iterations performed.


Convergence status.


Estimated credible sets.


Vector of posterior inclusion probabilities.


Records runtime of the model fitting algorithm.


Vector of univariate z-scores.


Average lfsr (local false sign rate) for each CS.


TO DO: Explain what this output is.


The lfsr (local false sign rate) given that the variable is the single effect.


# Example with one response.
n = 2000
p = 1000
beta = rep(0,p)
beta[1:4] = 1
X = matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
Y = X %*% beta + rnorm(n)
fit = mvsusie(X,Y,L = 10)
#> Initializing data object...
#> Dimension of X matrix: 2000 1000
#> Dimension of Y matrix: 2000 1
#> Memory used by data object 0.015 GB
#> Memory used by prior object 0 GB
#> Running IBSS algorithm...
#> Iteration 1 delta = Inf
#> Iteration 2 delta = 56.0443447076682
#> Iteration 3 delta = 2.6739610487889
#> Iteration 4 delta = 0.427756728521217
#> Iteration 5 delta = 0.216391749058857
#> Iteration 6 delta = 0.133061693517902
#> Iteration 7 delta = 0.0903213177566613
#> Iteration 8 delta = 0.065392550703109
#> Iteration 9 delta = 0.0495585088751795
#> Iteration 10 delta = 0.038865562061801
#> Iteration 11 delta = 0.0312950725319752
#> Iteration 12 delta = 0.290996033144893
#> Iteration 13 delta = 1.73395164893009e-09

# Sufficient statistics example with one response.
X_colmeans = colMeans(X)
Y_colmeans = colMeans(Y)
X = scale(X,center = TRUE,scale = FALSE)
Y = scale(Y,center = TRUE,scale = FALSE)
XtX = crossprod(X)
XtY = crossprod(X,Y)
YtY = crossprod(Y)
res = mvsusie_suff_stat(XtX,XtY,YtY,n,L = 10,X_colmeans,Y_colmeans)
#> Memory used by data object 0.008 GB
#> Memory used by prior object 0 GB
#> Running IBSS algorithm...
#> Iteration 1 delta = Inf
#> Iteration 2 delta = 56.0443447076609
#> Iteration 3 delta = 2.67396104878526
#> Iteration 4 delta = 0.427756728521672
#> Iteration 5 delta = 0.216391749059767
#> Iteration 6 delta = 0.133061693516083
#> Iteration 7 delta = 0.0903213177575708
#> Iteration 8 delta = 0.0653925507026543
#> Iteration 9 delta = 0.0495585088751795
#> Iteration 10 delta = 0.0388655620622558
#> Iteration 11 delta = 0.0312950725315204
#> Iteration 12 delta = 0.290996033145348
#> Iteration 13 delta = 1.73395164893009e-09
#> WARNING: Xcorr is not symmetric; forcing Xcorr to be symmetricby replacing Xcorr with (Xcorr + t(Xcorr))/2

# RSS example with one response.
R = crossprod(X)
z = susieR:::calc_z(X,Y)
res = mvsusie_rss(z,R,N=n,L = 10)
#> Memory used by data object 0.008 GB
#> Memory used by prior object 0 GB
#> Running IBSS algorithm...
#> Iteration 1 delta = Inf
#> Iteration 2 delta = 26.5014235793183
#> Iteration 3 delta = 1.434312697515
#> Iteration 4 delta = 0.587887748114099
#> Iteration 5 delta = 0.322281747516172
#> Iteration 6 delta = 0.203904712742769
#> Iteration 7 delta = 0.140737203480512
#> Iteration 8 delta = 0.103023266052787
#> Iteration 9 delta = 0.0786930484464392
#> Iteration 10 delta = 0.06207851327963
#> Iteration 11 delta = 0.050226823875164
#> Iteration 12 delta = 0.476440040988564
#> Iteration 13 delta = 0
#> WARNING: Xcorr is not symmetric; forcing Xcorr to be symmetricby replacing Xcorr with (Xcorr + t(Xcorr))/2

# Example with three responses.
n = 500
p = 1000
true_eff = 2
X = sample(c(0,1,2),size = n*p,replace = TRUE)
X = matrix(X,n,p)
beta1 = rep(0,p)
beta2 = rep(0,p)
beta3 = rep(0,p)
beta1[1:true_eff] = runif(true_eff)
beta2[1:true_eff] = runif(true_eff)
beta3[1:true_eff] = runif(true_eff)
y1 = X %*% beta1 + rnorm(n)
y2 = X %*% beta2 + rnorm(n)
y3 = X %*% beta3 + rnorm(n)
Y = cbind(y1,y2,y3)
prior = create_mixture_prior(R=3)
fit = mvsusie(X,Y,prior_variance = prior)
#> Initializing data object...
#> Dimension of X matrix: 500 1000
#> Dimension of Y matrix: 500 3
#> Initializing prior object ...
#> Number of components in the mixture prior: 9
#> Memory used by data object 0.004 GB
#> Memory used by prior object 0 GB
#> Running IBSS algorithm...
#> Iteration 1 delta = Inf
#> Iteration 2 delta = 23.6215924552366
#> Iteration 3 delta = 1.74273499342598
#> Iteration 4 delta = 0.739175635345418
#> Iteration 5 delta = 0.404371327747413
#> Iteration 6 delta = 0.25753266003494
#> Iteration 7 delta = 0.179687918378477
#> Iteration 8 delta = 0.133185441116439
#> Iteration 9 delta = 0.103027669467338
#> Iteration 10 delta = 0.0822700318340139
#> Iteration 11 delta = 0.0653108544502174
#> Iteration 12 delta = 0.704721320221779
#> Iteration 13 delta = 5.1368260756135e-09

# Sufficient statistics example with three responses.
X_colmeans = colMeans(X)
Y_colmeans = colMeans(Y)
X = scale(X,center = TRUE,scale = FALSE)
Y = scale(Y,center = TRUE,scale = FALSE)
XtX = crossprod(X)
XtY = crossprod(X,Y)
YtY = crossprod(Y)
res = mvsusie_suff_stat(XtX,XtY,YtY,n,L = 10,X_colmeans,Y_colmeans,
                        prior_variance = prior)
#> Initializing prior object ...
#> Number of components in the mixture prior: 9
#> Memory used by data object 0.008 GB
#> Memory used by prior object 0 GB
#> Running IBSS algorithm...
#> Iteration 1 delta = Inf
#> Iteration 2 delta = 23.6391655575044
#> Iteration 3 delta = 1.60702772142213
#> Iteration 4 delta = 0.606677083447721
#> Iteration 5 delta = 0.291263372011144
#> Iteration 6 delta = 0.166858239634621
#> Iteration 7 delta = 0.106842660455641
#> Iteration 8 delta = 0.0738354540358159
#> Iteration 9 delta = 0.0539295627431784
#> Iteration 10 delta = 0.0410707409355382
#> Iteration 11 delta = 0.0295026920211967
#> Iteration 12 delta = 0.293559222763633
#> Iteration 13 delta = 5.43442638445413e-07
#> WARNING: Xcorr is not symmetric; forcing Xcorr to be symmetricby replacing Xcorr with (Xcorr + t(Xcorr))/2

# RSS example with three responses.
R = crossprod(X)
Z = susieR:::calc_z(X,Y)
res = mvsusie_rss(Z,R,N=n,L = 10,prior_variance = prior)
#> Initializing prior object ...
#> Number of components in the mixture prior: 9
#> Memory used by data object 0.008 GB
#> Memory used by prior object 0 GB
#> Running IBSS algorithm...
#> Iteration 1 delta = Inf
#> Iteration 2 delta = 32.9358327861441
#> Iteration 3 delta = 2.16182308824727
#> Iteration 4 delta = 1.05000397954973
#> Iteration 5 delta = 0.618635786592677
#> Iteration 6 delta = 0.406486432756992
#> Iteration 7 delta = 0.286805038751027
#> Iteration 8 delta = 0.212827602317702
#> Iteration 9 delta = 0.163993570944967
#> Iteration 10 delta = 0.130113136023738
#> Iteration 11 delta = 0.105671162524686
#> Iteration 12 delta = 0.998276810554671
#> Iteration 13 delta = 0
#> WARNING: Xcorr is not symmetric; forcing Xcorr to be symmetricby replacing Xcorr with (Xcorr + t(Xcorr))/2