Create mash prior object.
null_weight = NULL,
weights_tol = 1e-10,
max_mixture_len = -1,
include_indices = NULL,
a list of (weights = vector(), matrices = list()) where matrices is a list of prior matrices and have same length as weights.
number of traits
whether or not to add a weight for null in
single effect models. By default it takes the null weight from
fitted_g if available. Use null_weight = 0
to override this.
Filter out mixture components with weights
smaller than weights_tol
Only keep the top priors by weight so that
the list of mixture prior is of length max_mixture_len
. Use
max_mixture_len = -1
to include all input weights after
filtering by weights_tol
Post-process input prior to only include conditions from this indices.
other parameters, for mvsusieR:::create_cov_canonical
mash prior object for use with mvsusie() function
Add details here.
# Add examples here.