Checks inputs and outputs of an ebnm-style function. Designed to troubleshoot custom functions, especially those that are intended for use in the flashier package (e.g., as argument to the ebnm_fn parameter in function flash).

ebnm_check_fn(fn, x, s)



The function to be checked.


A test set (vector) of observations.


A test set of standard errors. Typically, ebnm-style functions should be able to accept a vector of standard errors or a scalar if all standard errors are identical. This is not always the case; for example, the horseshoe prior family requires homoskedastic standard errors.


Prints a success message and silently returns 1 if all checks pass. Otherwise the function errors out.


ebnm_check_fn(ebnm_normal, x = rnorm(10, sd = 2), s = 1)
#> Function has passed all checks.