• Jason Willwerscheid. Author.

  • Matthew Stephens. Author.

  • Peter Carbonetto. Author, maintainer.

  • Andrew Goldstein. Contributor.

  • Yusha Liu. Contributor.


Source: inst/CITATION

Jason Willwerscheid, Peter Carbonetto and Matthew Stephens (2023). ebnm: an R Package for solving the empirical Bayes normal means problem using a variety of prior families. arXiv, 2110.00152.

  title = {ebnm: an R Package for solving the empirical Bayes normal means problem using a variety of prior families},
  author = {{Jason Willwerscheid} and {Peter Carbonetto} and {Matthew Stephens}},
  journal = {arXiv},
  volume = {2110.00152},
  eprint = {2110.00152},
  year = {2023},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00152},