Recover the parameters specifying the variational approximation to the posterior distribution of the regression coefficients. To streamline the model fitting implementation, and to reduce memory requirements, mr_ash does not store all the parameters needed to specify the approximate posterior.

get_full_posterior(X, y, w, beta, pi, sigma2, sa2)



A Mr.ASH fit obtained, for example, by running mr_ash.


A list object with the following elements:


A p x K matrix containing the posterior assignment probabilities, where p is the number of predictors, and K is the number of mixture components. (Each row of phi should sum to 1.)


A p x K matrix containing the posterior means conditional on assignment to each mixture component.


A p x K matrix containing the posterior variances conditional on assignment to each mixture component.


A vector of length p containing the local false discovery rate for each variable


## generate synthetic data set.seed(1) n = 200 p = 300 X = matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p) beta = double(p) beta[1:10] = 1:10 y = X %*% beta + rnorm(n) # Fit mr.ash model. fit <- mr_ash(X, y)
#> Fitting mr.ash model (mr.ash 0.1-61). #> number of samples: 200 #> number of variables: 300 #> number of mixture components: 20 #> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #> Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 109.