Processing math: 100%
  • Set up the data
  • Column-centered Z scores
  • Using Flash to extract the main pattern in ˜Z
    • Flashr result
  • Session information
Warning in as.POSIXlt.POSIXct(Sys.time()): unknown timezone 'default/

Last updated: 2017-11-16

Code version: 8e3e02b

Set up the data

# Load required packages
library(mashr); library(ExtremeDeconvolution); library(flashr2)
Loading required package: ashr
# read data
data = readRDS('../data/ImmuneQTLSummary.4MASH.rds')
data$max$se = data$max$beta/data$max$z
data$null$se = data$null$beta / data$null$z

# set parameters
K = 10

Column-centered Z scores

˜Zn×7=Z[μ1,,μ7] = apply(as.matrix(data$max$z), 2, function(x) x - mean(x))

Using Flash to extract the main pattern in ˜Z

Using greedy algorithm, we can set the variance structure for the residuals. The available types of variance structure are ‘by_column’ and ‘constant’. Since the columns of the data are different treatments, it is more reasonable to use ‘by_column’ structure, rather than ‘constant’. We apply flash on ˜Z=LF+E where F is 7×K, L is n×K, E is n×7.

# use
mash_data_flash = flash_set_data(as.matrix(
f_greedy = flash_add_greedy(mash_data_flash, Kmax=K, var_type = 'by_column')
fitting factor/loading 1
fitting factor/loading 2
fitting factor/loading 3
fitting factor/loading 4
fitting factor/loading 5
fitting factor/loading 6


f_greedy_bf = flash_backfit(mash_data_flash,f_greedy, var_type = 'by_column')
F_flash = flash_get_f(f_greedy_bf)
L_flash = flash_get_l(f_greedy_bf)

saveRDS(list(f_greedy = f_greedy,
             f = f_greedy_bf,
             F_flash = F_flash,
             L_flash = L_flash),
        paste0("../output/", K,".rds"))

Flashr result

Check fit of Flash greedy:

FlashResult = readRDS('../output/')
[1] 0.6534575871 0.0072519394 0.0026238426 0.0012990592 0.0007166277
[6] 0.0000000000
[1] 590882.8245   6557.4975   2372.5848   1174.6619    648.0038      0.0000
F_greedy = flash_get_f(FlashResult$f_greedy)
row.names(F_greedy) = c("ctrl", "lps6h", "lps90", "mdp6h", "mdp90", "rna6h", "rna90")
barplot(F_greedy[,1], las=2, main='Loading 1')

barplot(F_greedy[,2], las=2, main='Loading 2')

barplot(F_greedy[,3], las=2, main='Loading 3')

barplot(F_greedy[,4], las=2, main='Loading 4')

barplot(F_greedy[,5], las=2, main='Loading 5')

Check fit of Flash greedy backfitting:

The first factor explains the main proportion of variance in effects.

[1] 0.688768772 0.015061368 0.009386965 0.005144375 0.023385454 0.000000000
[1] 623004.493  13623.294   8490.689   4653.186  21152.589      0.000

The first factor is the overall summary of treatment effects.

row.names(FlashResult$F_flash) = c("ctrl", "lps6h", "lps90", "mdp6h", "mdp90", "rna6h", "rna90")
barplot(FlashResult$F_flash[,1], las=2, main='Loading 1')

barplot(FlashResult$F_flash[,2], las=2, main='Loading 2')

barplot(FlashResult$F_flash[,3], las=2, main='Loading 3')

barplot(FlashResult$F_flash[,4], las=2, main='Loading 4')

barplot(FlashResult$F_flash[,5], las=2, main='Loading 5')

# dominated by rna6h

The loading structure is not sparse.

Session information

R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.1

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] flashr2_0.2-3            ExtremeDeconvolution_1.3
[3] mashr_0.2-4              ashr_2.1-27             

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.13      compiler_3.4.2    git2r_0.19.0     
 [4] plyr_1.8.4        iterators_1.0.8   tools_3.4.2      
 [7] digest_0.6.12     evaluate_0.10.1   tibble_1.3.4     
[10] gtable_0.2.0      lattice_0.20-35   rlang_0.1.2      
[13] Matrix_1.2-11     foreach_1.4.3     yaml_2.1.14      
[16] parallel_3.4.2    mvtnorm_1.0-6     stringr_1.2.0    
[19] knitr_1.17        REBayes_0.85      rprojroot_1.2    
[22] grid_3.4.2        rmarkdown_1.7     rmeta_2.16       
[25] ggplot2_2.2.1     magrittr_1.5      backports_1.1.1  
[28] scales_0.5.0      codetools_0.2-15  htmltools_0.3.6  
[31] MASS_7.3-47       assertthat_0.2.0  softImpute_1.4   
[34] colorspace_1.3-2  stringi_1.1.5     Rmosek_8.0.69    
[37] lazyeval_0.2.1    pscl_1.5.2        doParallel_1.0.11
[40] munsell_0.4.3     truncnorm_1.0-7   SQUAREM_2017.10-1

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