Warning in as.POSIXlt.POSIXct(Sys.time()): unknown timezone 'zone/tz/2017c.

Last updated: 2017-11-17

Code version: 850ca41

Set up data

Loading required package: ashr
corrplot 0.84 loaded
data = readRDS('../data/ImmuneQTLSummary.4MASH.rds')
data$max$se = data$max$beta/data$max$z
data$null$se = data$null$beta / data$null$z

K = 10
P = 5
vhat = 0
if (vhat == 1) {
  V = cor(data$null$z[which(apply(abs(data$null$z),1, max) < 2),])
} else {
  V = diag(ncol(data$null$z))
mash_data = mashr::set_mash_data(Bhat = as.matrix(data$max$beta), 
                                 Shat = as.matrix(data$max$se), 
                                 V = as.matrix(V), 
                                 alpha = 0)

MASH results

The model is fitted in Mash model EE V0

# EE
resEE = readRDS('../output/ImmuneEE.V0.center.mash_model.K10.P5.rds')
resEE$result = readRDS('../output/ImmuneEE.V0.center.mash_posterior.K10.P5.rds')

MASH model fit

The log-likelihood of fit is

[1] 3165638

Here is a plot of weights learned.

options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=4)
barplot(get_estimated_pi(resEE), las = 2, cex.names = 0.7)

Most of the mass is on the null and equal effects.

Here is a visualization for tPCA, which capture 1.4546% mixture component in these data, (via correlation heatmap):

x           <- cov2cor(resEE$fitted_g$Ulist[["ED_tPCA"]])
x[x > 1]    <- 1
x[x < -1]   <- -1
colnames(x) <- colnames(get_lfsr(resEE))
rownames(x) <- colnames(x)
corrplot.mixed(x, tl.pos="d",upper='color',cl.lim=c(-1,1), upper.col=colorRampPalette(rev(c("#D73027","#FC8D59","#FEE090","#FFFFBF",

Next we perform SVD on the tPCA covariance matrix, and plot the top eigen vector.

svd.out = svd(resEE$fitted_g$Ulist[["ED_tPCA"]])
v = svd.out$v
colnames(v) = colnames(get_lfsr(resEE))
rownames(v) = colnames(v)
options(repr.plot.width=10, repr.plot.height=5)
for (j in 1:1)
  barplot(v[,j]/v[,j][which.max(abs(v[,j]))], cex.names = 0.7,
          las = 2, main = paste0("EigenVector ", j, " for PCA-based covariance matrix"))

 ILMN_1750368_rs6666277 ILMN_1778543_rs34289983   ILMN_1793724_rs303854 
                   8306                   10486                   11586 
 ILMN_1812559_rs1075851  ILMN_2262288_rs1061093 ILMN_2408102_rs35262724 
                  13048                   16944                   18702 

Examples of how mash uses patterns of sharing to inform estimated effect:

  • Original estimates

  • MASH estimates

Here is one example of shinkage:

  • Original estimates

  • MASH estimates

The estimated effects are closer to 0.

Pairwise sharing

x           <- get_pairwise_sharing(resEE)
colnames(x) <- colnames(get_lfsr(resEE))
rownames(x) <- colnames(x)
x <- x[rev(rownames(x)),rev(colnames(x))]
x[lower.tri(x)] <- NA
clrs <- colorRampPalette(rev(c("#D73027","#FC8D59","#FEE090","#FFFFBF",
n <- nrow(x)
options(repr.plot.width=9, repr.plot.height=9)
print(levelplot(x[n:1,],col.regions = clrs,xlab = "",ylab = "",
                colorkey = TRUE, at = seq(0.7,1,length.out = 64),
                scales = list(cex = 0.5,x = list(rot = 45))))

Compare with original paper


Among the 21485 top SNPs, MASH found 10183 to be significant in at least one treatment. We refer to these as the ‘top eQTLs’.

Using MASH, we found 9621 genes with an eQTL in control, 9439 genes with an eQTL in lps6h, 9740 genes with an eQTL in lps90, 9860 genes with an eQTL in mdp6h, 9846 genes with an eQTL in mdp90, 9746 genes with an eQTL in rna6h, 10051 genes with an eQTL in rna90.

In the original paper, they identified 717-1653 genes with an eQTL in each condition. So, we found more genes with an eQTL using MASH.

There are 8725 top eQTLs with significant effects among all treatments.


Find genes having \(\beta_{Trt}\) significantly different from \(\beta_{Ctrl}\), among the top eQTLs. The number in [] is the result from the paper. Note that, there are only percentages provided in the paper. Since the number of top eQTLs we found are different, the percentage may not directly comparable.

subset.data = function(data, subset){
  data.subset = data
  data.subset$Bhat = data$Bhat[subset,]
  data.subset$Shat = data$Shat[subset,]
  data.subset$Shat_alpha = data$Shat_alpha[subset,]

LPS 6h

eQTL.index.lps6h = get_significant_results(resEE, conditions = 2)
A.lps6h = rbind(c(1,-1,0,0,0,0,0))
row.names(A.lps6h) = c('Ctrl-lps6h')
resEE.lps6h = resEE
eQTL.lps6h = subset.data(mash_data, eQTL.index.lps6h)
resEE.lps6h$result = mash_compute_posterior_matrices(resEE, eQTL.lps6h, A=A.lps6h, algorithm.version = 'R')
resEE.lps6h = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.lps6h.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 510

Using MASH, we found 5.4% [17%] of lps 6h eQTLs are reQTLs.

LPS 90

resEE.lps90 = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.lps90.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 371

We found 3.81% [15%] of lps 90 eQTLs are reQTLs.

MDP 6h

resEE.mdp6h = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.mdp6h.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 625

We found 6.34% [9%] of mdp 6h eQTLs are reQTLs.

MDP 90

resEE.mdp90 = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'center.resEE.mdp90.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 388

We found 3.94% [9%] of mdp 90 eQTLs are reQTLs.

RNA 6h

resEE.rna6h = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.rna6h.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 610

We found 6.26% [18%] of rna 6h eQTLs are reQTLs.

RNA 90

resEE.rna90 = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.rna90.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 329

We found 3.27% [3%] of rna 90 eQTLs are reQTLs.

In the paper, they found 3-18% of cis eQTLs in each condition are reQTLs.

Treatment specificity of reQTLs

LPS 6h

reQTL.index.lps6h = get_significant_results(resEE.lps6h)
A.lps6hTRT = rbind(c(0,1,0,-1,0,0,0),
row.names(A.lps6hTRT) = c('lps6h-mdp6h', 'lps6h-rna6h')
resEE.lps6hTRT = resEE
reQTL.lps6h = subset.data(eQTL.lps6h, reQTL.index.lps6h)
resEE.lps6hTRT$result = mash_compute_posterior_matrices(resEE, reQTL.lps6h, A=A.lps6hTRT, algorithm.version = 'R')
resEE.lps6hTRT = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.lps6hTRT.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 324

We found 57.45% [32%] lps6h reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with mdp6h, 53.33% [34%] lps6h reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with rna6h.

LPS 90

resEE.lps90TRT = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.lps90TRT.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 339

We found 55.8% [14%] lps 90min reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with mdp 90min, 78.71% [51%] lps 90min reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with rna 90min.

MDP 6h

resEE.mdp6hTRT = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.mdp6hTRT.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 327

We found 47.04% [15%] mdp 6h reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with lps 6h, 16.16% [13%] mdp 6h reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with rna 6h.

MDP 90

resEE.mdp90TRT = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.mdp90TRT.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 346

We found 51.29% [15%] mdp 90min reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with lps 90min, 70.1% [46%] mdp 90min reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with rna 90min.

RNA 6h

resEE.rna6hTRT = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.rna6hTRT.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 297

We found 44.92% [21%] rna 6h reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with lps 6h, 21.31% [45%] rna 6h reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with mdp 6h.

RNA 90

resEE.rna90TRT = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.rna90TRT.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 230

We found 63.83% [38%] rna 90min reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with lps 90min, 47.11% [29%] rna 90min reQTLs are stimulus specific compared with mdp 90min.

Time point specificity of reQTLs

LPS 6h

A.lps6hTime = rbind(c(0,1,-1,0,0,0,0))
row.names(A.lps6hTime) = c('lps6h-lps90')
resEE.lps6hTime = resEE
resEE.lps6hTime$result = mash_compute_posterior_matrices(resEE, reQTL.lps6h , A=A.lps6hTime, algorithm.version = 'R')
resEE.lps6hTime = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.lps6hTime.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 335

We found 65.69% [45%] lps6h reQTLs are time point specific compared with lps90min.

LPS 90

resEE.lps90Time = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.lps90Time.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 222

We found 59.84% [36%] lps 90min reQTLs are time point specific compared with lps6h.

MDP 6h

resEE.mdp6hTime = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.mdp6hTime.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 366

We found 47.04% [40%] mdp 6h reQTLs are time point specific compared with mdp 90min.

MDP 90

resEE.mdp90Time = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.mdp90Time.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 210

We found 54.12% [38%] mdp 90min reQTLs time point specific compared with mdp 6h.

RNA 6h

resEE.rna6hTime = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.rna6hTime.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 511

We found 83.77% [64%] rna 6h reQTLs are time point specific compared with rna 90min.

RNA 90

resEE.rna90Time = readRDS(paste0('../output/ImmuneEE.V',vhat,'.center.resEE.rna90Time.K',K,'.P',P,'.rds'))
[1] 186

We found 56.53% [32%] rna 90min reQTLs are time point specific compared with rna 6h.

Session information

R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.1

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] corrplot_0.84   mashr_0.2-4     ashr_2.1-27     colorRamps_2.3 
[5] ggplot2_2.2.1   lattice_0.20-35

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.13      compiler_3.4.2    git2r_0.19.0     
 [4] plyr_1.8.4        iterators_1.0.8   tools_3.4.2      
 [7] digest_0.6.12     evaluate_0.10.1   tibble_1.3.4     
[10] gtable_0.2.0      rlang_0.1.2       Matrix_1.2-11    
[13] foreach_1.4.3     yaml_2.1.14       parallel_3.4.2   
[16] mvtnorm_1.0-6     stringr_1.2.0     knitr_1.17       
[19] rprojroot_1.2     grid_3.4.2        rmarkdown_1.7    
[22] rmeta_2.16        magrittr_1.5      backports_1.1.1  
[25] scales_0.5.0      codetools_0.2-15  htmltools_0.3.6  
[28] MASS_7.3-47       assertthat_0.2.0  colorspace_1.3-2 
[31] labeling_0.3      stringi_1.1.5     lazyeval_0.2.1   
[34] munsell_0.4.3     doParallel_1.0.11 pscl_1.5.2       
[37] truncnorm_1.0-7   SQUAREM_2017.10-1

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