GTEx V8 Multivariate Analysis

Mashing the GTEx V8 release

Here I run the latest flashr + mashr pipeline on the latest GTEx release.

Version: 2019.01.24 by Gao Wang and Yuxin Zou

In [1]:
%revisions -s
Revision Author Date Message
80e89a8 Gao Wang 2019-01-28 Add a note on HPC job submission
982a1b4 Gao Wang 2019-01-28 Implement new $\hat{V}$ estimation method (with Yuxin Zou)
515e869 Gao Wang 2018-11-22 Add a prompt for empty input posterior
ba9b20e Gao Wang 2018-11-22 Add posterior calculation for input 'strong' set
4949470 Gao Wang 2018-11-22 Fix mashr null correlation estimate interface
6145b33 Gao Wang 2018-11-21 Add --optmethod to configure convex optimization method to use
485381c Gao Wang 2018-11-20 Fix mixSQP package name #2
c587791 Gao Wang 2018-11-20 Use the first cran release of mixSQP in default flashr workflow
092e206 Gao Wang 2018-09-24 Minor edits to documentation
4a5f2b7 Gao Wang 2018-09-24 Add notes to results
e653d39 Gao Wang 2018-09-24 Configure posterior computation resources
ca56229 Gao Wang 2018-09-23 Add posterior computation for input data-set
7db5500 Gao Wang 2018-09-23 Notes on GTEx V8 data conversion steps
68d2571 Gao Wang 2018-05-30 Add mashr_flashr workflow

Data overview

fastqtl summary statistics data were obtained from dbGaP (data on CRI at UChicago Genetic Medicine). It has 49 tissues. [more description to come]

Preparing MASH input

Using an established workflow (which takes 33hrs to run on a cluster system as configured by midway2.yml; see inside fastqtl_to_mash.ipynb for a note on computing environment),

JOB_OPT="-c midway2.yml -q midway2"
sos run workflows/fastqtl_to_mash.ipynb --data-list $INPUT_DIR/FastQTLSumStats.list --common-suffix ".allpairs.txt" $JOB_OPT

As a result of command above I obtained the "mashable" data-set in the same format as described here.

Some data integrity check

  1. Check if I get the same number of groups (genes) at the end of HDF5 data conversion:
$ zcat Whole_Blood.allpairs.txt.gz | cut -f1 | sort -u | wc -l
$ h5ls Whole_Blood.allpairs.txt.h5 | wc -l

The results agreed on Whole Blood sample (the original data has a header thus one line more than the H5 version). We should be good (since the pipeline reported success for all other files).

Data & job summary

The command above took 33 hours on UChicago RCC midway2.

[MW] cat FastQTLSumStats.log
39832 out of 39832 groups merged!

So we have a total of 39832 genes (union of 49 tissues).

[MW] cat FastQTLSumStats.portable.log
15636 out of 39832 groups extracted!

We have 15636 groups without missing data in any tissue. This will be used to train the MASH model.

The "mashable" data file is FastQTLSumStats.mash.rds, 124Mb serialized R file.

Multivariate adaptive shrinkage (MASH) analysis of eQTL data

Below is a "blackbox" implementation of the mashr eQTL workflow -- blackbox in the sense that you can run this pipeline as an executable, without thinking too much about it, if you see your problem fits our GTEx analysis scheme. However when reading it as a notebook it is a good source of information to help developing your own mashr analysis procedures.

Since the submission to biorxiv of Urbut 2017 we have improved implementation of MASH algorithm and made a new R package, mashr. Major improvements compared to Urbut 2017 are:

  1. Faster computation of likelihood and posterior quantities via matrix algebra tricks and a C++ implementation.
  2. Faster computation of MASH mixture via convex optimization.
  3. Replace SFA with FLASH, a new sparse factor analysis method to generate prior covariance candidates.
  4. Improve estimate of residual variance $\hat{V}$.

At this point, the input data have already been converted from the original eQTL summary statistics to a format convenient for analysis in MASH, as a result of running the data conversion pipeline in fastqtl_to_mash.ipynb.

Example command:

JOB_OPT="-j 8"
#JOB_OPT="-c midway2.yml -q midway2"
sos run workflows/mashr_flashr_workflow.ipynb mash $JOB_OPT # --data ... --cwd ... --vhat ...

FIXME: add comments on submitting jobs to HPC. Here we use the UChicago RCC cluster but other users can similarly configure their computating system to run the pipeline on HPC.

Global parameter settings

In [2]:
parameter: cwd = path('./mashr_flashr_workflow_output')
# Input summary statistics data
parameter: data = path("fastqtl_to_mash_output/FastQTLSumStats.mash.rds")
# Prefix of output files. If not specified, it will derive it from data.
# If it is specified, for example, `--output-prefix AnalysisResults`
# It will save output files as `{cwd}/AnalysisResults*`.
parameter: output_prefix = ''
# Exchangable effect (EE) or exchangable z-scores (EZ)
parameter: effect_model = 'EZ'
# Identifier of $\hat{V}$ estimate file
# It should be available as {cwd}/{data:bn}.V_{vhat}.rds
parameter: vhat = 'simple'
# Additional label for vhat file
parameter: vhat_file_label = ''
# default method for convex optimization
parameter: optmethod = "mixSQP"
# Path to mosek license file, if `--optmethod mixIP` is used
parameter: mosek_license = file_target("~/.mosek.lic")
# Most established heavy-lifting computations are in C++ via Rcpp
# but some experimental features are in R. This argument allows one
# to switch between implementations
parameter: implementation = 'Rcpp'
# Number of components in PCA analysis for prior
# default to 3 as in mash paper
# set it to 0 to not use PCA priors
parameter: npc = 3
data = data.absolute()
if len(output_prefix) == 0:
    output_prefix = f"{data:bn}"
if vhat_file_label and not vhat_file_label.startswith('_'):
    vhat_file_label = '_' + vhat_file_label
flash_data = file_target(f"{cwd:a}/{output_prefix}.{effect_model}.flash.rds")
prior_data = file_target(f"{cwd:a}/{output_prefix}.{effect_model}.FL_PC{npc}.rds")
vhat_data = file_target(f"{cwd:a}/{output_prefix}.{effect_model}.FL_PC{npc}.V_{vhat}{vhat_file_label}.rds")
fail_if(optmethod == "mixIP" and not mosek_license.is_file(), msg = f'To use mixIP optimization, please put a valid copy (NOT a symbolic link!) of MOSEK license to: \n``{mosek_license}``')

def sort_uniq(seq):
    seen = set()
    return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))]

Command interface

In [2]:
sos run mashr_flashr_workflow.ipynb -h
usage: sos run mashr_flashr_workflow.ipynb
               [workflow_name | -t targets] [options] [workflow_options]
  workflow_name:        Single or combined workflows defined in this script
  targets:              One or more targets to generate
  options:              Single-hyphen sos parameters (see "sos run -h" for details)
  workflow_options:     Double-hyphen workflow-specific parameters


Global Workflow Options:
  --cwd mashr_flashr_workflow_output (as path)
  --data fastqtl_to_mash_output/FastQTLSumStats.mash.rds (as path)
                        Input summary statistics data
  --output-prefix ''
                        Prefix of output files. If not specified, it will derive
                        it from data. If it is specified, for example,
                        `--output-prefix AnalysisResults` It will save output
                        files as `{cwd}/AnalysisResults*`.
  --effect-model EZ
                        Exchangable effect (EE) or exchangable z-scores (EZ)
  --vhat simple
                        Identifier of $\hat{V}$ estimate file It should be
                        available as {cwd}/{data:bn}.V_{vhat}.rds
  --vhat-file-label ''
                        Additional label for vhat file
  --optmethod mixSQP
                        default method for convex optimization
  --mosek-license /home/gaow/.mosek.lic (as file_target)
                        Path to mosek license file, if `--optmethod mixIP` is
  --implementation Rcpp
                        Most established heavy-lifting computations are in C++
                        via Rcpp but some experimental features are in R. This
                        argument allows one to switch between implementations
  --npc 3 (as int)
                        Number of components in PCA analysis for prior default
                        to 3 as in mash paper set it to 0 to not use PCA priors

  flash:                Perform FLASH analysis (time estimate: 20min)
  prior:                Compute data-driven / canonical prior matrices (time
                        estimate: 2h ~ 12h for ~30 49 by 49 matrix mixture)
  vhat_identity:        V estimate: "identity" method
  vhat_simple:          V estimate: "simple" method (using null z-scores)
  vhat_mle:             V estimate: "mle" method
    Workflow Options:
      --n-subset 6000 (as int)
                        number of samples to use
      --max-iter 6 (as int)
                        maximum number of iterations
  vhat_corshrink_xcondition_1: Estimate each V separately via corshrink
    Workflow Options:
      --util-script /project/mstephens/gtex/scripts/SumstatQuery.R (as path)
                        Utility script
      --gene-list . (as path)
                        List of genes to analyze
  vhat_corshrink_xcondition_2, vhat_simple_specific_2: Consolidate Vhat into one
    Workflow Options:
      --gene-list . (as path)
                        List of genes to analyze
  vhat_simple_specific_1: Estimate each V separately via "simple" method
    Workflow Options:
      --util-script /project/mstephens/gtex/scripts/SumstatQuery.R (as path)
                        Utility script
      --gene-list . (as path)
                        List of genes to analyze
  mash_1:               Fit MASH mixture model (time estimate: <15min for 70K by
                        49 matrix)
  mash_2:               Compute posterior for the "strong" set of data as in
                        Urbut et al 2017. This is optional because most of the
                        time we want to apply the MASH model learned on much
                        larger data-set.
    Workflow Options:
      --[no-]compute-posterior (default to True)
                        default to True; use --no-compute-posterior to disable
      --posterior-vhat-file . (as path)
                        input Vhat file for the batch of posterior data
  posterior:            Apply posterior calculations
    Workflow Options:
      --mash-model  path(f"{vhat_data:n}.mash_model.rds")

      --posterior-input  paths()

      --posterior-vhat-files  paths()

      --data-table-name ''
                        eg, if data is saved in R list as data$strong, then when
                        you specify `--data-table-name strong` it will read the
                        data as readRDS('{_input:r}')$strong

Compute MASH priors

Main reference are our mashr vignettes this for mashr eQTL outline and this for using FLASH prior. The latter was written recently specifically for this effort, and will likely be subject to changes for future versions.

If you use --optmethod mixIP you will have to put a copy of MOSEK license file to <workdir>/mosek.lic (ie, mashr_flashr_workflow_output/mosek.lic if you did not change any settings below). Current default method is mixSQP.

The outcome of this workflow should be found under ./mashr_flashr_workflow_output folder (can be configured). File names have pattern *.mash_model_*.rds. They can be used to computer posterior for input list of gene-SNP pairs (see next section).

flashr prior covariances

In [4]:
# Perform FLASH analysis (time estimate: 20min)
depends: R_library("flashr")
input: data
output: flash_data

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '2h', trunk_size = 1, mem = '4G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, env = {'MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE': str(mosek_license)}, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    my_init_fn <- function(Y, K = 1) {
      ret = flashr:::udv_si(Y, K)
      pos_sum = sum(ret$v[ret$v > 0])
      neg_sum = -sum(ret$v[ret$v < 0])
      if (neg_sum > pos_sum) {
        return(list(u = -ret$u, d = ret$d, v = -ret$v))
      } else

    flash_pipeline = function(data, ...) {
      ## current state-of-the art
      ## suggested by Jason Willwerscheid
      ## cf: discussion section of
      ebnm_fn = "ebnm_ash"
      ebnm_param = list(l = list(mixcompdist = "normal",
                               optmethod = "${optmethod}"),
                        f = list(mixcompdist = "+uniform",
                               optmethod = "${optmethod}"))
      fl_g <- flashr:::flash_greedy_workhorse(data,
                    var_type = "constant",
                    ebnm_fn = ebnm_fn,
                    ebnm_param = ebnm_param,
                    init_fn = "my_init_fn",
                    stopping_rule = "factors",
                    tol = 1e-3,
                    verbose_output = "odF")
      fl_b <- flashr:::flash_backfit_workhorse(data,
                    f_init = fl_g,
                    var_type = "constant",
                    ebnm_fn = ebnm_fn,
                    ebnm_param = ebnm_param,
                    stopping_rule = "factors",
                    tol = 1e-3,
                    verbose_output = "odF")

    cov_flash = function(data, subset = NULL, non_canonical = FALSE, save_model = NULL) {
      if(is.null(subset)) subset = 1:mashr:::n_effects(data) = apply(data$Bhat, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))
      ## Only keep factors with at least two values greater than 1 / sqrt(n)
      find_nonunique_effects <- function(fl) {
        thresh <- 1/sqrt(ncol(fl$fitted_values))
        vals_above_avg <- colSums(fl$ldf$f > thresh)
        nonuniq_effects <- which(vals_above_avg > 1)
        return(fl$ldf$f[, nonuniq_effects, drop = FALSE])

      fmodel = flash_pipeline(
      if (non_canonical)
          flash_f = find_nonunique_effects(fmodel)
          flash_f = fmodel$ldf$f
      ## row.names(flash_f) = colnames(b)
      if (!is.null(save_model)) saveRDS(list(model=fmodel, factors=flash_f), save_model)
      if(ncol(flash_f) == 0){
        U.flash = list("tFLASH" = t(fmodel$fitted_values) %*% fmodel$fitted_values / nrow(fmodel$fitted_values))
      } else{
        U.flash = c(cov_from_factors(t(as.matrix(flash_f)), "FLASH"),
                    list("tFLASH" = t(fmodel$fitted_values) %*% fmodel$fitted_values / nrow(fmodel$fitted_values)))
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    dat = mash_set_data(dat$strong.b, dat$strong.s, alpha=${1 if effect_model == 'EZ' else 0})
    res = cov_flash(dat, non_canonical = TRUE, save_model = "${_output:n}.model.rds")
    saveRDS(res, ${_output:r})

Other priors and refinement via Extreme Deconvolution

In [5]:
# Compute data-driven / canonical prior matrices (time estimate: 2h ~ 12h for ~30 49 by 49 matrix mixture)
depends: R_library("mashr")
input: data, output_from('flash')
output: prior_data

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '36h', trunk_size = 1, mem = '4G', cores = 4, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    dat = readRDS(${_input[0]:r})
    mash_data = mash_set_data(dat$strong.b, Shat=dat$strong.s, alpha=${1 if effect_model == 'EZ' else 0})
    # FLASH matrices
    U.flash = readRDS(${_input[1]:r})
    # SVD matrices
    U.pca = ${"cov_pca(mash_data, %s)" % npc if npc > 0 else "list()"}
    # Emperical cov matrix = apply(mash_data$Bhat, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))
    # Denoised data-driven matrices
    U.ed = cov_ed(mash_data, c(U.flash, U.pca, list("XX" = t( %*% / nrow(, logfile=${_output:nr})
    # Canonical matrices
    U.can = cov_canonical(mash_data)
    saveRDS(c(U.ed, U.can), ${_output:r})

Estimate residual variance

FIXME: add some narratives here explaining what we do in each method.

In [6]:
# V estimate: "identity" method
input: data
output: vhat_data
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    saveRDS(diag(ncol(dat$random.b)), ${_output:r})
In [7]:
# V estimate: "simple" method (using null z-scores)
depends: R_library("mashr")
input: data
output: vhat_data
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    vhat = estimate_null_correlation_simple(mash_set_data(dat$random.b, Shat=dat$random.s))
    saveRDS(vhat, ${_output:r})
In [8]:
# V estimate: "mle" method
# number of samples to use
parameter: n_subset = 6000
# maximum number of iterations
parameter: max_iter = 6
depends: R_library("mashr")
input: data, output_from('prior')
output: vhat_data

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '36h', trunk_size = 1, mem = '4G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    dat = readRDS(${_input[0]:r})
    # choose random subset
    random.subset = sample(1:nrow(dat$random.b), min(${n_subset}, nrow(dat$random.b)))
    random.subset = mash_set_data(dat$random.b[random.subset,], dat$random.s[random.subset,], alpha=${1 if effect_model == 'EZ' else 0})
    # estimate V mle
    vhat = estimate_null_correlation(random.subset, readRDS(${_input[1]:r}), max_iter = ${max_iter})
    saveRDS(vhat, ${_output:r})
In [ ]:
# Estimate each V separately via corshrink
# Utility script
parameter: util_script = path('/project/mstephens/gtex/scripts/SumstatQuery.R')
# List of genes to analyze
parameter: gene_list = path()

fail_if(not gene_list.is_file(), msg = 'Please specify valid path for --gene-list')
fail_if(not util_script.is_file() and len(str(util_script)), msg = 'Please specify valid path for --util-script')
genes = sort_uniq([x.strip().strip('"') for x in open(f'{gene_list:a}').readlines() if not x.strip().startswith('#')])

depends: R_library("CorShrink")
input: data, for_each = 'genes'
output: f'{vhat_data:n}/{_genes}.rds'

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '3m', trunk_size = 500, mem = '3G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    CorShrink_sum = function(gene, database, z_thresh = 2){
      dat <- GetSS(gene, database)
      z = dat$"z-score"
      max_absz = apply(abs(z), 1, max)
      nullish = which(max_absz < z_thresh)
      # if (length(nullish) < ncol(z)) {
        # stop("not enough null data to estimate null correlation")
      # }
      if (length(nullish) <= 1){
        mat = diag(ncol(z))
      } else {
        nullish_z = z[nullish, ]  
        mat = as.matrix(CorShrink::CorShrinkData(nullish_z, ash.control = list(mixcompdist = "halfuniform"))$cor)
    V = Corshrink_sum("${_genes}", ${data:r})
    saveRDS(V, ${_output:r})

# Consolidate Vhat into one file
[vhat_corshrink_xcondition_2, vhat_simple_specific_2]
depends: R_library("parallel")
# List of genes to analyze
parameter: gene_list = path()

fail_if(not gene_list.is_file(), msg = 'Please specify valid path for --gene-list')
genes = paths([x.strip().strip('"') for x in open(f'{gene_list:a}').readlines() if not x.strip().startswith('#')])

input: group_by = 'all'
output: vhat_data

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '1h', trunk_size = 1, mem = '4G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    files = sapply(c(${genes:r,}), function(g) paste0(c(${_input[0]:adr}), '/', g, '.rds'), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
    V = mclapply(files, function(i){ readRDS(i) }, mc.cores = 1)
    R = dim(V[[1]])[1]
    L = length(V)
    V.array = array(as.numeric(unlist(V)), dim=c(R, R, L))
    saveRDS(V.array, ${_output:ar})
In [ ]:
# Estimate each V separately via "simple" method
# Utility script
parameter: util_script = path('/project/mstephens/gtex/scripts/SumstatQuery.R')
# List of genes to analyze
parameter: gene_list = path()

fail_if(not gene_list.is_file(), msg = 'Please specify valid path for --gene-list')
fail_if(not util_script.is_file() and len(str(util_script)), msg = 'Please specify valid path for --util-script')
genes = sort_uniq([x.strip().strip('"') for x in open(f'{gene_list:a}').readlines() if not x.strip().startswith('#')])

depends: R_library("Matrix")
input: data, for_each = 'genes'
output: f'{vhat_data:n}/{_genes}.rds'

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '1m', trunk_size = 500, mem = '3G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    simple_V = function(gene, database, z_thresh = 2){
      dat <- GetSS(gene, database)
      z = dat$"z-score"
      max_absz = apply(abs(z), 1, max)
      nullish = which(max_absz < z_thresh)
      # if (length(nullish) < ncol(z)) {
        # stop("not enough null data to estimate null correlation")
      # }
      if (length(nullish) <= 1){
        mat = diag(ncol(z))
      } else {
        nullish_z = z[nullish, ]
        mat = as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(as.matrix(cov(nullish_z)), conv.tol=1e-06, doSym = TRUE, corr=TRUE)$mat)
    V = simple_V("${_genes}", ${data:r})
    saveRDS(V, ${_output:r})

mashr mixture model fitting

In [9]:
# Fit MASH mixture model (time estimate: <15min for 70K by 49 matrix)
depends: R_library("mashr")
input: data, output_from("prior"), output_from(f"vhat_{vhat}")
output: f"{_input[-1]:n}.mash_model.rds"

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '36h', trunk_size = 1, mem = '4G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, env = {'MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE': str(mosek_license)}, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    dat = readRDS(${_input[0]:r})
    vhat = readRDS(${_input[2]:r})
    mash_data = mash_set_data(dat$random.b, Shat=dat$random.s, alpha=${1 if effect_model == 'EZ' else 0}, V=vhat)
    saveRDS(mash(mash_data, Ulist = readRDS(${_input[1]:r}), optmethod = "${optmethod}", outputlevel = 1, algorithm.version = "${implementation}"), ${_output:r})

Optional posterior computations

Additionally provide posterior for the "strong" set in MASH input data.

In [10]:
# Compute posterior for the "strong" set of data as in Urbut et al 2017.
# This is optional because most of the time we want to apply the 
# MASH model learned on much larger data-set.
# default to True; use --no-compute-posterior to disable this
parameter: compute_posterior = True
# input Vhat file for the batch of posterior data
parameter: posterior_vhat_file = path()
skip_if(not compute_posterior)
fail_if(not posterior_vhat_file.is_file() and len(str(posterior_vhat_file)) > 1, msg = 'Cannot find specified --posterior-vhat-file. Please provide the correct path for it!')
depends: R_library("mashr")
input: data, posterior_vhat_file if posterior_vhat_file.is_file() else output_from(f"vhat_{vhat}"), output_from(-1)
output: f'{posterior_vhat_file:n}.posterior.rds' if posterior_vhat_file.is_file() else f"{_input[-1]:nn}.posterior.rds"

task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '36h', trunk_size = 1, mem = '4G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    dat = readRDS(${_input[0]:r})
    vhat = readRDS(${_input[1]:r})
    mash_data = mash_set_data(dat$strong.b, Shat=dat$strong.s, alpha=${1 if effect_model == 'EZ' else 0}, V=vhat)
    mash_model = readRDS(${_input[2]:ar})
    saveRDS(mash_compute_posterior_matrices(mash_model, mash_data, algorithm.version = "${implementation}"), ${_output:r})

Compute MASH posteriors

In the GTEx V6 paper we assumed one eQTL per gene and applied the model learned above to those SNPs. Under that assumption, the input data for posterior calculation will be the dat$strong.* matrices. It is a fairly straightforward procedure as shown in this vignette.

But it is often more interesting to apply MASH to given list of eQTLs, eg, from those from fine-mapping results. In GTEx V8 analysis we obtain such gene-SNP pairs from DAP-G fine-mapping analysis. See this notebook for how the input data is prepared. The workflow below takes a number of input chunks (each chunk is a list of matrices dat$Bhat and dat$Shat) and computes posterior for each chunk. It is therefore suited for running in parallel posterior computation for all gene-SNP pairs, if input data chunks are provided.

JOB_OPT="-c midway2.yml -q midway2"
sos run workflows/mashr_flashr_workflow.ipynb posterior \
    $JOB_OPT \
    --posterior-input $DATA_DIR/DAPG_pip_gt_0.01-AllTissues/DAPG_pip_gt_0.01-AllTissues.*.rds \
In [11]:
# Apply posterior calculations
parameter: mash_model = path(f"{vhat_data:n}.mash_model.rds")
parameter: posterior_input = paths()
parameter: posterior_vhat_files = paths()
# eg, if data is saved in R list as data$strong, then
# when you specify `--data-table-name strong` it will read the data as
# readRDS('{_input:r}')$strong
parameter: data_table_name = ''
parameter: bhat_table_name = 'Bhat'
parameter: shat_table_name = 'Shat'

skip_if(len(posterior_input) == 0, msg = "No posterior input data to compute on. Please specify it using --posterior-input.")
fail_if(len(posterior_vhat_files) > 1 and len(posterior_vhat_files) != len(posterior_input), msg = "length of --posterior-input and --posterior-vhat-files do not agree.")
for p in posterior_input:
    fail_if(not p.is_file(), msg = f'Cannot find posterior input file ``{p}``')

depends: R_library("mashr")
input: posterior_input, group_by = 1
output: f"{_input:n}.posterior.rds"
task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = '20h', trunk_size = 1, mem = '20G', cores = 1, tags = f'{_output:bn}'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f"{_output:n}.stderr", stdout = f"{_output:n}.stdout"
    data = readRDS(${_input:r})${('$' + data_table_name) if data_table_name else ''}
    vhat = readRDS("${vhat_data if len(posterior_vhat_files) == 0 else posterior_vhat_files[_index]}")
    mash_data = mash_set_data(data$${bhat_table_name}, Shat=data$${shat_table_name}, alpha=${1 if effect_model == 'EZ' else 0}, V=vhat)
    saveRDS(mash_compute_posterior_matrices(readRDS(${mash_model:r}), mash_data, algorithm = "${implementation}"), ${_output:r})

Posterior results

  1. The outcome of the [posterior] step should produce a number of serialized R objects *.batch_*.posterior.rds (can be loaded to R via readRDS()) -- I chopped data to batches to take advantage of computing in multiple cluster nodes. It should be self-explanary but please let me know otherwise.
  2. Other posterior related files are:
    1. *.batch_*.yaml: gene-SNP pairs of interest, identified elsewhere (eg. fine-mapping analysis).
    2. The corresponding univariate analysis summary statistics for gene-SNPs from *.batch_*.yaml are extracted and saved to *.batch_*.rds, creating input to the [posterior] step.
    3. Note the *.batch_*.stdout file documents some SNPs found in fine-mapping results but not found in the original fastqtl output.

© 2018 Gao Wang, University of Chicago

Exported from analysis/mashr_flashr_workflow.ipynb committed by Gao Wang on Tue Feb 2 19:25:48 2021 revision 2, 4e7b5da