Last updated: 2020-02-12

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: dsc-linreg/analysis/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility. The version displayed above was the version of the Git repository at the time these results were generated.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .sos/
    Ignored:    analysis/.sos/
    Ignored:    dsc/.sos/
    Ignored:    dsc/linreg.html
    Ignored:    dsc/linreg/

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd c20dc2b Peter Carbonetto 2020-02-12 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”, view = FALSE)
html 6fdbb3a Peter Carbonetto 2020-02-11 Fixed up a couple mistakes with dscquery call in results_overview
Rmd 6f9f6d3 Peter Carbonetto 2020-02-11 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
html a76c938 Peter Carbonetto 2020-02-11 Fixed another couple mistakes in the dscquery call in results_overview.
html 2d4cb6a Peter Carbonetto 2020-02-11 Re-built results_overview page.
Rmd 5e9191c Peter Carbonetto 2019-10-31 Updated code in results_overview for dsc 0.3.11.
Rmd 46bf611 Peter Carbonetto 2019-05-13 Minor edits to R Markdown formatting.
html 191bdb9 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-17 Re-built results_overview page with (new) workflowr 1.3.0 after
html 7103009 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13 Re-built results_overview page with dscrutils 0.3.6.
html 06b64ef Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13 Fixed typo in results_overview.
Rmd c8a0198 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
html 52ee840 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13 Fixed up data frame in results_overview analysis.
Rmd a079864 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
html bb97ffa Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13 Re-built results_overview with newly generated DSC results.
Rmd 5811a58 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
Rmd cfcb97b Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-10 Moved links to bottom of each .Rmd file.
html cfcb97b Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-10 Moved links to bottom of each .Rmd file.
Rmd 4cc0ccd Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-10 A few small edits to the .Rmd files.
html d5305a0 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-10 Removed include files; they are not needed.
html e6d35b2 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-10 Fixing spacing before “sessioninfo” in results_overview.
Rmd 91ae628 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-10 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
html 9b8979d Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Removed unneeded sessionInfo.
Rmd 70a296f Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
html 8202971 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Revised text at the end of results_overview analysis.
Rmd a77053e Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
html 5662c9a Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Re-built results_overview after revising plots.
Rmd f47cacb Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Added comments to functions in plots.R.
Rmd 54f1ae7 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Implemented functions to compute and plot relative MSE.
html 54f1ae7 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Implemented functions to compute and plot relative MSE.
html 5757c93 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Added packages used in DSC to sessionInfo in results_overview.Rmd.
Rmd 0e22a15 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
Rmd a7d093a Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Changed indentation in results_overview.Rmd.
html d1bb440 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Added more box plots to results_overview analysis, and added some text
Rmd b2c80eb Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
html 5a34c5e Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Re-built results_overview with new design of DSC; new results
Rmd 2a86b01 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 wflow_publish(“results_overview.Rmd”)
Rmd ada904c Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Fixed a couple more bugs in the fit modules.
Rmd ba71a22 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Added score modules to pipeline.
Rmd 5004487 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Edited preamble in results_overview.Rmd.
Rmd 093d5e6 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Some revisions to the text in the README and home page.
html 58540be Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Added links and other content to home page.
Rmd d4d0415 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09 Re-organized some files, and moved usage instructions to workflowr page.

In this short analysis, we compare the prediction accuracy of several linear regression in the four simulation examples of Zou & Hastie (2005). We also include two additional scenarios, similar to Examples 1 and 2 from Zou & Hastie (2005): a “null” scenario, in which the predictors have no effect on the outcome; and a “one effect” scenario, in which only one of the predictors affects the outcome.

The six methods compared are: (1) ridge regression; (2) the Lasso; (3) the Elastic Net; (4) “Sum of Single Effects” (SuSiE) regression, described here; (5) variational inference for Bayesian variable selection, or “varbvs”, described here; and (6) “varbvsmix”, an elaboration of varbvs that replaces the single normal prior with a mixture-of-normals.

Load packages

Load a few packages and custom functions used in the analysis below.


Import DSC results

Here we use function “dscquery” from the dscrutils package to extract the DSC results we are interested in—the mean squared error in the predictions from each method and in each simulation scenario.

methods <- c("ridge","lasso","elastic_net","susie","varbvs","varbvsmix")
dsc <- dscquery("../dsc/linreg",
                verbose = FALSE)
dsc <- transform(dsc,
                 simulate          = factor(simulate),
                 simulate.scenario = factor(simulate.scenario),
                 fit               = factor(fit,methods))
names(dsc)[1] <- "seed"
# [1] 7200

After this call, the “dsc” data frame should contain results for 7,200 pipelines—6 methods times 6 scenarios times 200 data sets simulated in each scenario.

# [1] 7200

After these steps, the “dsc” data frame should have five columns: “seed”, the seed used to simulate the data; “simulate”, the data simulation module used; “simulate.scenario”, the particular scenario used in the “zh” simulation module; “fit”, the linear regression method used; and “mse.err”, the mean squared error in the test set predictions.

#   seed     simulate   fit   mse.err simulate.scenario
# 1    1 null_effects ridge 12.322653              <NA>
# 2    2 null_effects ridge 12.695073              <NA>
# 3    3 null_effects ridge 10.625812              <NA>
# 4    4 null_effects ridge 10.267211              <NA>
# 5    5 null_effects ridge 10.429469              <NA>
# 6    6 null_effects ridge  9.940155              <NA>

Note that you will need to run the DSC before querying the results; see here for instructions on running the DSC. If you did not run the DSC to generate these results, you can replace the dscquery call above by this line to load the pre-extracted results stored in a CSV file:

dsc <- read.csv("../output/linreg_mse.csv")

This is how the CSV file was created:

write.csv(dsc,"../output/linreg_mse.csv",row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE)

Summarize and discuss simulation results

Compute the mean squared error (MSE) in the predictions relative to ridge regression, so that larger numbers mean greater error relative to predictions from ridge regressions.

rmse <- compute.relative.mse(dsc)
dsc  <- cbind(dsc,rmse)

The boxplots below summarize the prediction errors in each of the simulations. A relative MSE less than 1 indicates an improvement in accuracy over ridge regression, whereas a relative MSE greater than 1 indicates a decrease in accuracy compared to ridge regression. Ridge regression will always have a relative MSE of 1, so the results for ridge regression are not shown.

p1 <- rmse.boxplot(subset(dsc,simulate == "null_effects"),"null")
p2 <- rmse.boxplot(subset(dsc,simulate == "one_effect"),"one effect")
p3 <- rmse.boxplot(subset(dsc,simulate.scenario == 1),"scenario 1")
p4 <- rmse.boxplot(subset(dsc,simulate.scenario == 2),"scenario 2")
p5 <- rmse.boxplot(subset(dsc,simulate.scenario == 3),"scenario 3")
p6 <- rmse.boxplot(subset(dsc,simulate.scenario == 4),"scenario 4")
p  <- plot_grid(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)

Version Author Date
6fdbb3a Peter Carbonetto 2020-02-11
2d4cb6a Peter Carbonetto 2020-02-11
bb97ffa Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-13
5662c9a Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09
54f1ae7 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09
d1bb440 Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09
5a34c5e Peter Carbonetto 2019-04-09

Here are a few initial impressions from these plots.

In most cases, the Elastic Net does at least as well, or better, than the Lasso. This is what we would expect.

Ridge regression actually achieves good accuracy in all cases except Scenario 4 and the “one effect” setting. Ridge regression is expected to do less well in Scenario 4 because the majority of the true coefficients are zero, so a sparse model would be favoured. Similarly, a sparse model should better fit data simulated in the “one effect” scenario.

In Scenario 4, where the predictors are correlated in a structured way, and the effects are sparse, varbvs and varbvsmix perform considerably better than the other methods.

The “varbvsmix” method yields competitive predictions in all scenarios.

Session information

The “Session information” button below gives the version of R and the packages that were used to generate these results. This listing includes the R packages that were also used to run the DSC.

# R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
# Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
# Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)
# Matrix products: default
# BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/
# locale:
# [1] C
# attached base packages:
# [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
# other attached packages:
# [1] varbvs_2.6-5      susieR_0.9.0.0580 glmnet_2.0-16     foreach_1.4.4    
# [5] Matrix_1.2-15     MASS_7.3-51.1     cowplot_0.9.4     ggplot2_3.1.1    
# [9] dscrutils_0.4.2  
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#  [1] Rcpp_1.0.2          RColorBrewer_1.1-2  compiler_3.5.1     
#  [4] pillar_1.3.1        later_0.7.5         git2r_0.26.1       
#  [7] plyr_1.8.4          workflowr_1.6.0     iterators_1.0.10   
# [10] prettyunits_1.0.2   tools_3.5.1         progress_1.2.0     
# [13] digest_0.6.18       lattice_0.20-38     evaluate_0.12      
# [16] tibble_2.1.1        gtable_0.2.0        pkgconfig_2.0.2    
# [19] rlang_0.4.0         yaml_2.2.0          withr_2.1.2        
# [22] stringr_1.3.1       dplyr_0.8.0.1       knitr_1.20         
# [25] fs_1.3.1            hms_0.4.2           tidyselect_0.2.5   
# [28] rprojroot_1.3-2     grid_3.5.1          glue_1.3.0         
# [31] data.table_1.12.0   R6_2.3.0            rmarkdown_1.10     
# [34] latticeExtra_0.6-28 purrr_0.3.2         magrittr_1.5       
# [37] whisker_0.3-2       codetools_0.2-15    backports_1.1.2    
# [40] scales_1.0.0        promises_1.0.1      htmltools_0.3.6    
# [43] assertthat_0.2.0    colorspace_1.3-2    httpuv_1.4.5       
# [46] labeling_0.3        nor1mix_1.2-3       stringi_1.2.4      
# [49] lazyeval_0.2.1      munsell_0.5.0       crayon_1.3.4