We apply the topic model for clustering of single cells in the data due to Jaitin . Check the paper.
# import raw data
counts <- exprs(MouseJaitinSpleen)
gene_names <- rownames(fData(MouseJaitinSpleen))
meta_data <- pData(MouseJaitinSpleen)
## [1] 20190 4590
# exclude ERCC genes
ENSG_genes_index <- grep("ERCC", gene_names, invert = TRUE)
## [1] 20107
# expression matrix without ENSG genes
counts_ensg <- counts[ENSG_genes_index, ]
## index sequencing_batch amplification_batch mouse_ID pool_barcode
## 7 1 1 0 <NA> NNNNNN
## 8 2 1 0 <NA> NNNNNN
## 9 3 1 0 <NA> NNNNNN
## 10 4 1 0 <NA> NNNNNN
## 11 5 1 0 <NA> NNNNNN
## 12 6 1 0 <NA> NNNNNN
## sample_barcode plate_id well_id number_of_cells sorting_markers
## 7 CTACCA 1 A1 1 CD11c+
## 8 CATGCT 1 B1 1 CD11c+
## 9 GCACAT 1 C1 1 CD11c+
## 10 TGCTCG 1 D1 1 CD11c+
## 11 AGCAAT 1 E1 1 CD11c+
## 12 AGTTGC 1 F1 1 CD11c+
## RMT_length group_name ERCC_dilution ERCC_volume_ul
## 7 4 CD11c+ 2.00E-05 0.01
## 8 4 CD11c+ 2.00E-05 0.01
## 9 4 CD11c+ 2.00E-05 0.01
## 10 4 CD11c+ 2.00E-05 0.01
## 11 4 CD11c+ 2.00E-05 0.01
## 12 4 CD11c+ 2.00E-05 0.01
## Column_name_in_processed_data_file
## 7 0_1
## 8 0_2
## 9 0_3
## 10 0_4
## 11 0_5
## 12 0_6
# exclude wells more than 1 cell and with total UMI count > 600
# also include only CD11c+ cells
sum(as.numeric(meta_data$number_of_cells) ==1 &
meta_data$group_name =="CD11c+" & colSums(counts_ensg) > 600 )
## [1] 1135
## exclude ribosomal protein genes and ...
filter_genes <- c("M34473","abParts","M13680","Tmsb4x",
fcounts <- counts_ensg[ -match(filter_genes, rownames(counts_ensg)), ]
sample_counts <- colSums(fcounts)
sum(meta_data$number_of_cells==1 & meta_data$group_name=="CD11c+" &
sample_counts > 600 )
## [1] 1041
## create sample filtering index
filter_sample_index <- which(meta_data$number_of_cells == 1 &
meta_data$group_name == "CD11c+" &
sample_counts > 600)
## create a filtered dataset
counts_ensg_filtered <- counts_ensg[ , filter_sample_index]
meta_data_filtered <- meta_data[filter_sample_index, ]
We fit the topic on the filtered dataset (see above) for \(7\) topics.
# transpose the count matrix from gene by sample to
# sample by gene, the default format of CountClust packge
# also the meta data matrix from sample by phenotpye to
# phenotype by sample
Topic_Clus <- StructureObj(data = t(counts_ensg_filtered),
samp_metadata = t(data.frame(meta_data_filtered)),
nclus_vec = 7,
plot = FALSE,
tol = 0.01,
path_rds = "rdas/MouseJaitinSpleen-topicFit.rds")
topic_fit <- readRDS("../rdas/MouseJaitinSpleen-topicFit.rds")
# extract the omega matrix: membership weights of each cell
## [1] "K" "theta" "omega" "BF" "D" "X"
omega <- topic_fit$clust_7$omega
filter_sample_index <- which(meta_data$number_of_cells == 1 &
meta_data$group_name == "CD11c+" &
sample_counts > 600)
# make filterd phenotype data
meta_data_filtered <- meta_data[filter_sample_index, ]
stopifnot(dim(meta_data_filtered)[1] == dim(omega)[1])
# making annotation matrix
amp_batch <- as.numeric(meta_data_filtered[ , "amplification_batch"])
annotation <- data.frame(
sample_id = paste0("X", c(1:NROW(omega)) ),
tissue_label = factor(amp_batch,
levels = rev(sort(unique(amp_batch))) ) )
StructureGGplot(omega = omega,
annotation = annotation,
palette = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1"),
yaxis_label = "Amplification batch",
axis_tick = list(axis_ticks_length = .1,
axis_ticks_lwd_y = .1,
axis_ticks_lwd_x = .1,
axis_label_size = 7,
axis_label_face = "bold"),
order_sample = TRUE)
seq_batch <- as.numeric(meta_data_filtered[ , "sequencing_batch"])
annotation <- data.frame(
sample_id = paste0("X", c(1:NROW(omega)) ),
tissue_label = factor(seq_batch,
levels = rev(sort(unique(seq_batch))) ) )
StructureGGplot(omega = omega,
annotation = annotation,
palette = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1"),
yaxis_label = "Sequencing batch",
axis_tick = list(axis_ticks_length = .1,
axis_ticks_lwd_y = .1,
axis_ticks_lwd_x = .1,
axis_label_size = 7,
axis_label_face = "bold"),
order_sample = TRUE)