Last updated: 2020-09-30

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: causal-TWAS/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 69a2458. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    code/workflow/.ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    data/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  code/workflow/
    Untracked:  code/workflow/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/simulation-susieI-ukbchr17to22-gtex.adipose.Rmd
    Modified:   code/run_UKB_process.R
    Modified:   code/run_simulate_data.R
    Modified:   code/run_test_susieI.R
    Deleted:    code/run_test_susieI_m.R
    Modified:   code/susie_filter.R
    Modified:   code/workflow/workflow-susieI-20200813.ipynb
    Modified:   code/workflow/workflow-susieI-20200915.ipynb

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/simulation-susieI-ukbchr17to22-gtex.adipose.Rmd) and HTML (docs/simulation-susieI-ukbchr17to22-gtex.adipose.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 34b9ed3 simingz 2020-09-18 BF
html 34b9ed3 simingz 2020-09-18 BF
Rmd c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14 susieI plots
html c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14 susieI plots
Rmd 4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14 susieI plots
html 4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14 susieI plots
Rmd 79b77d5 simingz 2020-09-04 susieI more runs
html 79b77d5 simingz 2020-09-04 susieI more runs
Rmd bb0bce0 simingz 2020-09-03 susie prior
html bb0bce0 simingz 2020-09-03 susie prior
Rmd 193a8df simingz 2020-09-01 increase gene pve
html 193a8df simingz 2020-09-01 increase gene pve
Rmd 86681eb simingz 2020-08-28 susieI all regions
html 86681eb simingz 2020-08-28 susieI all regions
Rmd 41c8849 simingz 2020-08-20 more parameter examples for susieI
html 41c8849 simingz 2020-08-20 more parameter examples for susieI
Rmd 86ac96e simingz 2020-08-19 more iterations
html 86ac96e simingz 2020-08-19 more iterations
Rmd bd402eb simingz 2020-08-19 susieI bug fix
html bd402eb simingz 2020-08-19 susieI bug fix
Rmd f125882 simingz 2020-08-19 susieI
html f125882 simingz 2020-08-19 susieI
Rmd d299f60 simingz 2020-08-19 susieI
html d299f60 simingz 2020-08-19 susieI
Rmd 846fb96 simingz 2020-08-14 susieI
html 846fb96 simingz 2020-08-14 susieI
Rmd fd909a1 simingz 2020-08-14 susieI


Analysis description

n <- 20000 # number of samples
p <- 86000 # number of SNPs
J <- 1653 # number of genes

The genotype data we used is from UKB biobank, randomly selecting n = 20000 samples. We use SNP genotype data from chr 17 to chr 22 combined. These genomic regions represents 12.5% of the genome. SNPs are downsampled to 1/10 (randomly), eQTLs (see below for definition of eQTL) were added back. This ends up with p = p as.charater(p) SNPs.

Our analysis consists of the following steps:

  1. Build expression predictors using another expression-genotype dataset.

The one we used in this analysis is GTEx Adipose tissue v7 dataset. This dataset contains ~ 380 samples. FUSION/TWAS were used to train expression model and we used their lasso results. SNPs included in eQTL anlaysis are restricted to cis-locus 500kb on either side of the gene boundary. eQTLs are defined as SNPs with abs(effectize) > 1e-8 in lasso results.

  1. Impute expression.

We impute gene expression for our genotype data using expression models obtained from step 1. There are 1653 genes with expression model from chr17 to chr22. We imputed expression from genotypes using the expression predictors.

  1. Define and select regions

Next, the analysis is done at the “region” level, which is 500kb bins along the genome. Each bin would contain all the SNPs, as well as all the genes in that bin. We are exploring several ways to select regions that contain true signals, e.g. based on regional sum of mr.ash PIP for genes/SNPs, region smallest TWAS p value for gene/SNPs, or regional bayes factors, etc.

  1. Run susie iteratively We then run susie for each of these regions. So the features of SuSiE are: SNPs and “genes” (not cis-eQTLs of that gene). We use the same prior for all SNPs and another prior for all “genes” when running SUSIE. In some settings, we also run SUSIE with null weight, which is calculated as 1- prior.SNP * n.SNP - prior.gene * n.gene. We obtain the PIP for SNPs and gene in the region. After we run susie for all regions (one iteration), we take the average of all SNP PIPs as the prior of SNPs for the next iteration and similarly for the prior for genes.

  2. We obtain PIP for genes from the last iteration as results.

simdatadir <- "~/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_ashtest_20200721/"
outputdir <- "~/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_susieI_20200813/"
susiedir <- "~/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_susieI_20200813/"
mrashdir <- "~/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_ashtest_20200721/"
tag <- '20200813-1-1'
Niter <- 30

Regional minimum p value distribution

  • minimum TWAS p value of genes for each region:
simtag <- "20200721-1-1"
rpipf <- paste0(simdatadir, simtag, ".pgenerprank.txt")

a <- read.table(rpipf, header = T)
a.c <- a[a$nCausal > 0, ]
ax <- pretty(0:max(-log10(a$rpmin)), n = 30)

h1 <- hist(-log10(a$rpmin), breaks = 100, xlab = "PIP", main = "min P value distribution-all", col = "grey"); grid()
h2 <- hist(-log10(a.c$rpmin), breaks = h1$breaks, xlab = "PIP", main = "min p distribution-causal", col = "salmon");grid()

Version Author Date
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
  • minimum TWAS p value of genes and SNPs for each region:
rpipf <- paste0(simdatadir, simtag, ".p2rprank.txt")

a <- read.table(rpipf, header = T)
a.c <- a[a$nCausal > 0, ]
ax <- pretty(0:max(-log10(a$rpmin)), n = 30)

h1 <- hist(-log10(a$rpmin), breaks = 100, xlab = "PIP", main = "min P value distribution-all", col = "grey"); grid()
h2 <- hist(-log10(a.c$rpmin), breaks = h1$breaks, xlab = "PIP", main = "min p distribution-causal", col = "salmon");grid()

Version Author Date
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14

Regional BF distribution

mean BF of both SNPs and genes in region as the regional BF.

rpipf <- paste0(simdatadir, simtag, ".rBF.txt")

a <- read.table(rpipf, header = T)
a.c <- a[a$nCausal > 0, ]

h1 <- hist(a$rBF, breaks = 5000, xlab = "PIP", main = "regional BF distribution-all", col = "grey", xlim = c(0,10)); grid()
h2 <- hist(a.c$rBF, breaks = h1$breaks, xlab = "PIP", main = "regional BF distribution-causal", col = "salmon",xlim = c(0,10));grid()

Version Author Date
34b9ed3 simingz 2020-09-18

MR.ASH regional pip sum distribution

  • Use mr.ash for gene only:
rpipf <- paste0(simdatadir, simtag, "-mr.ash.mrashrPIP.txt")

a <- read.table(rpipf, header = T)
a.c <- a[a$nCausal > 0, ]
ax <- pretty(0:max(a$rPIP), n = 30)

h1 <- hist(a$rPIP, breaks = 100, xlab = "PIP", main = "PIP distribution-all", col = "grey"); grid()
h2 <- hist(a.c$rPIP, breaks = h1$breaks, xlab = "PIP", main = "PIP distribution-causal", col = "salmon");grid()
  • MR.ash2s for both genes and SNPs using the same data
rpipf <- paste0(simdatadir, simtag, "-mr.ash2s.lassoes-es.mrash2srPIP.txt")

a <- read.table(rpipf, header = T)
a.c <- a[a$nCausal > 0 ,]
ax <- pretty(0:max(a$rPIP), n = 30) # Make a neat vector for the breakpoints

h1 <- hist(a$rPIP, breaks = 100, xlab = "PIP", main = "PIP distribution-all", col = "grey"); grid()
h2 <- hist(a.c$rPIP, breaks = h1$breaks, xlab = "PIP", main = "PIP distribution-causal", col = "salmon");grid()

Version Author Date
d299f60 simingz 2020-08-19
846fb96 simingz 2020-08-14

Parameter estimation results

Results: Each row shows parameter estimation results from 5 simulation runs with similar settings (i.e. pi1 and PVE for genes and SNPs). each row has two plots, one for gene pi1 estimation, one for enrichment (gene pi1/snp pi1). Results from each run were represented by one dot, dots with the same color come from the same run. horizontal dash lines: simulation truth, mr.ash2, mr.ash for gene and SNPs; susietruth, the truth in selected regions that were used to run susie iteractively (susieI).

Regions: causal

  • Regions: We use regional PIP of both SNP and gene from mr.ash2s > 0.3, and also require at least one causal gene or SNP is present, also, at least one gene.

  • Susie run parameters: L=1, null_weight = 0, didn’t update null_weight in iterations. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform.

show_param <- function(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2){
  param <-, lapply(mr.ashfs, function(x) t(read.table(x))[2:1,]))
  pars <- cbind(param[seq(1,nrow(param), 2), 2], param[seq(1,nrow(param), 2), 4], param[seq(1,nrow(param), 2), 1], param[seq(2,nrow(param), 2), 1], param[seq(1,nrow(param), 2), 3], param[seq(2,nrow(param), 2), 3])
  colnames(pars) <- c("PVE.gene_truth", "PVE.SNP_truth", paste(rep(c("pi1.gene_", "pi1.SNP_"), each = 2), c("truth", "mr.ash2"), sep = ""))
  param.s <-, lapply(susieIfs, function(x) {load(x); c(tail(prior.gene_rec, 1), tail(prior.SNP_rec,1))}))
  param.s.truth <-, lapply(susieIfs2, function(x) {
    a <- read.table(x, header = T);
    c(nrow(a[a$ifcausal == 1 & a$type == "gene", , drop = F])/ nrow(a[a$type == "gene", , drop = F]),
      nrow(a[a$ifcausal == 1 & a$type == "SNP", , drop = F])/ nrow(a[a$type == "SNP", , drop = F]))
  pars.s <- cbind(param.s.truth, param.s)[, c(1,3,2,4)]
  colnames(pars.s) <-  paste(rep(c("pi1.gene_", "pi1.SNP_"), each = 2), c("susietruth", "susieI"), sep = "")
  df <- cbind(tags, format(pars, digits = 4), format(pars.s, digits =4))
  rownames(df) <- NULL
  # df %>% 
  # kable("html", escape = F) %>%
  # kable_styling("striped", full_width = F) %>%
  #  row_spec(c(1:5, 11:15), background = "#FEF3B9") %>%
  # scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "600px", fixed_thead = T)

plot_param <- function(df, ...){
  df <- apply(df[ , 2:ncol(df)], 2, function(x) as.numeric(x))
  m <- cbind(df[,"pi1.gene_mr.ash2"], 1:nrow(df), 1 + 1:nrow(df)/nrow(df)/3)
  st <-  cbind(df[,"pi1.gene_susietruth"], 1:nrow(df), 2 + 1:nrow(df)/nrow(df)/3)
  s <- cbind(df[,"pi1.gene_susieI"], 1:nrow(df), 3 + 1:nrow(df)/nrow(df)/3)
  t <- df[1,"pi1.gene_truth"]
  dfp <- rbind(m,st,s)
  plot(dfp[,3], dfp[,1], col = dfp[,2], pch = 19, ylab = "gene pi1", xaxt = "n", xlab="", xlim = c(0.8, 3.5), frame.plot=FALSE, ylim = c(0, max(dfp[,1],t) *1.05), ...)
  axis(side=1, at=1:3, labels = FALSE, tick = F)
  text(x=1:3, 0, labels = c("mr.ash2", "susieI_truth", "susieI"), xpd = T, pos =1)
  abline(h=t, lty = 2, col= "salmon", lwd=1.5)
  m <- cbind(df[,"pi1.gene_mr.ash2"]/df[,"pi1.SNP_mr.ash2"], 1:nrow(df), 1 + 1:nrow(df)/nrow(df)/3)
  st <-  cbind(df[,"pi1.gene_susietruth"]/df[,"pi1.SNP_susietruth"], 1:nrow(df), 2 + 1:nrow(df)/nrow(df)/3)
  s <- cbind(df[,"pi1.gene_susieI"]/df[,"pi1.SNP_susieI"], 1:nrow(df), 3 + 1:nrow(df)/nrow(df)/3)
  t <- df[1,"pi1.gene_truth"]/df[1,"pi1.SNP_truth"]
  dfp <- rbind(m,st,s)
  plot(dfp[,3], dfp[,1], col = dfp[,2], pch = 19, ylab = "Enrichment (gene/snp)", xaxt = "n", xlab="", xlim = c(0.8, 3.5),frame.plot=FALSE, ylim = c(0, min(max(dfp[,1],t) *1.05, 150)))
  axis(side=1, at=1:3, labels = FALSE, tick = F)
  text(x=1:3, 0, labels = c("mr.ash2", "susieI_truth", "susieI"), xpd = T, pos =1)
  abline(h= t, lty = 2, col= "darkgreen", lwd=1.5)

gpip_dist <- function(susiefs, ...){
  dflist <- list()
  for (f in susiefs){
    dflist[[f]] <- read.table(f, header =T , stringsAsFactors = F)
  df <-, dflist)
  hist(df[df$type == "gene", "susie_pip"], xlab = "gene susie PIP", 
       breaks = 50, ylim = c(0,20), xlim=c(0,1), col = "salmon", ...)
tags <- paste(rep(1:3, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
mr.ashfs <- paste0(mrashdir, "20200721-", tags, "-mr.ash2s.lassoes-es.param.txt")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".1.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(3,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05") 
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")

Regions: mrash gene+SNP (1)

  • Regions: We use regional PIP of both SNP and gene from mr.ash2s > 0.3.

  • Susie run parameters: L=2, initialize null_weight = 0, update null_weight in iterations. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform. (We also tried initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as 0.05 and 2.5e-3, results are the same.)

tags <- paste(rep(1:4, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
mr.ashfs <- paste0(mrashdir, "20200721-", tags, "-mr.ash2s.lassoes-es.param.txt")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config6.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config6.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: mrash gene+SNP (2)

  • Regions: We use regional PIP of both SNP and gene from mr.ash2s > 0.3.

  • Susie run parameters: L=2, null_weight = 0. Didn’t update null_weight in iterations. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform.

tags <- paste(rep(1:4, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config7.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config7.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: mrash gene only

  • Regions: We use regional sum of PIP for genes from mr.ash for genes only > 0.1.

  • Susie run parameters: L=2. Update null_weight in iterations. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform, null_weight = 0.

tags <- paste(rep(1:4, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config9.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config9.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: TWAS gene only

  • Regions: We use regional min p value for genes from twas for genes only, requiring this p value in top 5%.

  • Susie run parameters: L=2. Update null_weight in iterations. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform, null_weight = 0.

tags <- paste(rep(1:4, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config10.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config10.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: TWAS gene+SNP top

  • Regions: We use regional min p value for genes or SNPs from twas for genes and snps, requiring this p value in top 5% for genes or 1% for SNPs.

  • Susie run parameters: L=2. Update null_weight in iterations. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform, null_weight = 0.

tags <- paste(rep(1:4, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config11.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config11.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: TWAS gene+SNP BF

  • Regions: get BF for both genes and SNPs. regional TWAS BF > 2
tags <- paste(rep(1:4, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
mr.ashfs <- paste0(mrashdir, "20200721-", tags, "-mr.ash2s.lassoes-es.param.txt")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config12.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config12.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
34b9ed3 simingz 2020-09-18
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: TWAS gene+SNP FDR

  • Regions: put gene and SNP pvalues together and get FDR. Seelect regions with minimum FDR < 0.05.
tags <- paste(rep(1:4, each = 5), 1:5, sep = "-")
mr.ashfs <- paste0(mrashdir, "20200721-", tags, "-mr.ash2s.lassoes-es.param.txt")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config13.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config13.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: all (1)

  • Regions: All regions.

  • Susie run parameters: L=2. initialize with null_weight = 0 and update null_weight based on last iteration results. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform.

mr.ashfs <- paste0(mrashdir, "20200721-", tags, "-mr.ash2s.lassoes-es.param.txt")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config2.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config2.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: all (2)

  • Regions: All regions.

  • Susie run parameters: L=1. Did not update null_weight in each iteration. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform.

mr.ashfs <- paste0(mrashdir, "20200721-", tags, "-mr.ash2s.lassoes-es.param.txt")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config3.susieIres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, "20200813-", tags, ".config3.susieI.txt")

df <- show_param(mrashfs, susieIfs, susieIfs2)
par(mfrow = c(4,2))
plot_param(df[1:5,], main = "1-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[6:10,], main = "2-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[11:15,], main = "3-x: gene.pve ~ 0.01, snp.pve ~ 0.05")
plot_param(df[16:20,], main = "4-x: gene.pve ~ 0.05, snp.pve ~ 0.05")

Version Author Date
c1c6bcc simingz 2020-09-14
4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[1:5], main = "1-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[6:10], main = "2-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[11:15], main = "3-x combined")
gpip_dist(susieIfs2[16:20], main = "4-x combined")

Regions: all (others)

  • Susie run parameters: L=1. initialize with null_weight = 0 and update null_weight based on last iteration results. We initialize with prior for genes and SNPs as uniform. The prior for genes is underestimated for low power settings (1-x, 2-x), many converged to close to 0, for high power settings it is better.
  • Susie run parameters: L=5. initialize with null_weight = 0 and update null_weight based on last iteration results. The prior for gene estimation is fine for all runs, however prior for SNPs overestimated about 10 times.
  • We have tried different initiation strategies, but the results remain the same.

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] kableExtra_1.2.1    stringr_1.4.0       plyr_1.8.6         
[4] tidyr_0.8.3         plotly_4.9.2.9000   ggplot2_3.3.1      
[7] data.table_1.12.7   mr.ash.alpha_0.1-34

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] tidyselect_1.1.0  purrr_0.3.4       lattice_0.20-38  
 [4] colorspace_1.3-2  vctrs_0.3.1       generics_0.0.2   
 [7] htmltools_0.3.6   viridisLite_0.3.0 yaml_2.2.0       
[10] rlang_0.4.6       later_0.7.5       pillar_1.4.4     
[13] glue_1.4.1        withr_2.1.2       lifecycle_0.2.0  
[16] munsell_0.5.0     gtable_0.2.0      workflowr_1.6.2  
[19] rvest_0.3.2       htmlwidgets_1.3   evaluate_0.12    
[22] knitr_1.20        httpuv_1.4.5      Rcpp_1.0.4.6     
[25] promises_1.0.1    scales_1.0.0      backports_1.1.2  
[28] webshot_0.5.1     jsonlite_1.6.1    fs_1.3.1         
[31] digest_0.6.25     stringi_1.3.1     dplyr_1.0.0      
[34] grid_3.5.1        rprojroot_1.3-2   here_0.1         
[37] tools_3.5.1       magrittr_1.5      lazyeval_0.2.1   
[40] tibble_3.0.1      crayon_1.3.4      whisker_0.3-2    
[43] pkgconfig_2.0.2   ellipsis_0.3.1    Matrix_1.2-15    
[46] xml2_1.2.0        rmarkdown_1.10    httr_1.4.1       
[49] rstudioapi_0.11   R6_2.3.0          git2r_0.26.1     
[52] compiler_3.5.1