Last updated: 2020-07-24
Checks: 6 1
Knit directory: causal-TWAS/
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.
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Ignored files:
Ignored: .Rhistory
Ignored: .Rproj.user/
Ignored: data/
Untracked files:
Untracked: analysis/simulation-multi-ukbchr22-gtex.adipose.Rmd
Untracked: code/run_UKB_process.R
Untracked: code/workflow/
Untracked: code/wtccc/
Unstaged changes:
Modified: analysis/index.Rmd
Deleted: code/ctwas_polygenic_V1.R
Deleted: code/ctwas_spikeslab_V1.R
Deleted: code/gene_annotation.R
Modified: code/input_reformat.R
Modified: code/mr.ash2.R
Modified: code/mr.ash2_FBM.R
Deleted: code/run_WTCCC_data_process.R
Modified: code/run_gwas_snp.R
Modified: code/run_test_mr.ash2s.R
Modified: code/run_test_susie.R
Deleted: code/simulate-WTCCC-expr.R
Deleted: code/simulate-WTCCC-phenotype.R
Modified: code/simulate_phenotype.R
Deleted: code/train_expression.R
Deleted: code/workflow-WTCCC-polygenic-simulation.ipynb
Deleted: code/workflow-ashtest.ipynb
Deleted: code/workflow-ashtest2.ipynb
Deleted: code/workflow-ashtest3.ipynb
Deleted: code/workflow-data.ipynb
Staged changes:
Deleted: code/
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.
There are no past versions. Publish this analysis with wflow_publish()
to start tracking its development.
Run simulation 9 times for ukb chr 22.
simdatadir <- "~/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_ashtest_20200616/"
outputdir <- "~/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_ashtest_20200616/"
susiedir <- "~/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_susietest_20200616/"
get_files <- function(tag, tag2){
par <- paste0(outputdir, tag, "-mr.ash2s.", tag2, ".param.txt")
rpip <- paste0(outputdir, tag, "-mr.ash2s.", tag2, ".rPIP.txt")
gmrash <- paste0(outputdir, tag, "-mr.ash2s.", tag2, ".expr.txt")
smrash <- paste0(outputdir, tag, "-mr.ash2s.", tag2, ".snp.txt")
ggwas <- paste0(outputdir, tag, ".exprgwas.txt.gz")
sgwas <- paste0(outputdir, tag, ".snpgwas.txt.gz")
gsusie <- paste0(susiedir, tag, ".", tag2, ".L3.susieres.expr.txt")
ssusie <- paste0(susiedir, tag, ".", tag2, ".L3.susieres.snp.txt")
return(tibble::lst(par, rpip, gmrash, ggwas, smrash, sgwas, gsusie, ssusie))
Results for 9 simulations runs, using different initiate and update strategy
tags <- paste0('20200616-7-', 1:9)
tag2s <- c('expr-snp', 'snp-expr', 'lassoexpr-snp','lassoSNPes-es','lassoes-se' )
show_param <- function(tag2){
f <- lapply(tags, get_files, tag2 = tag2)
parf <- lapply(f, '[[', "par")
param <-, lapply(parf, function(x) t(read.table(x))[2:1,]))
gene.pi1 | gene.pve | snp.pi1 | snp.pve | |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0047262 | 0.0024979 | 0.0506180 |
estimated | 0.0321949 | 0.0092713 | 0.0005093 | 0.0480143 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0134063 | 0.0024979 | 0.0567824 |
estimated | 0.0586605 | 0.0169032 | 0.0005042 | 0.0479763 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0083281 | 0.0024979 | 0.0543350 |
estimated | 0.0608350 | 0.0173011 | 0.0004527 | 0.0427801 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0089567 | 0.0024979 | 0.0586225 |
estimated | 0.0918778 | 0.0259876 | 0.0006059 | 0.0566179 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0118538 | 0.0024979 | 0.0487240 |
estimated | 0.0553670 | 0.0159207 | 0.0005120 | 0.0485317 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0054891 | 0.0024979 | 0.0465223 |
estimated | 0.0924275 | 0.0257045 | 0.0002606 | 0.0248300 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0247506 | 0.0024979 | 0.0485317 |
estimated | 0.1083247 | 0.0310019 | 0.0004298 | 0.0415368 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0029643 | 0.0024979 | 0.0519305 |
estimated | 0.0296452 | 0.0086987 | 0.0005386 | 0.0515244 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0069086 | 0.0024979 | 0.0529274 |
estimated | 0.0889689 | 0.0256536 | 0.0003692 | 0.0359862 |
gene.pi1 | gene.pve | snp.pi1 | snp.pve | |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0047262 | 0.0024979 | 0.0506180 |
estimated | 0.0321944 | 0.0092712 | 0.0005093 | 0.0480149 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0134063 | 0.0024979 | 0.0567824 |
estimated | 0.0596023 | 0.0171553 | 0.0004935 | 0.0469762 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0083281 | 0.0024979 | 0.0543350 |
estimated | 0.0608435 | 0.0173035 | 0.0004528 | 0.0427930 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0089567 | 0.0024979 | 0.0586225 |
estimated | 0.0832465 | 0.0236055 | 0.0006322 | 0.0588887 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0118538 | 0.0024979 | 0.0487240 |
estimated | 0.0553671 | 0.0159207 | 0.0005120 | 0.0485315 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0054891 | 0.0024979 | 0.0465223 |
estimated | 0.0924275 | 0.0257045 | 0.0002606 | 0.0248300 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0247506 | 0.0024979 | 0.0485317 |
estimated | 0.1083243 | 0.0310017 | 0.0004298 | 0.0415367 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0029643 | 0.0024979 | 0.0519305 |
estimated | 0.0302425 | 0.0088718 | 0.0005388 | 0.0515448 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0069086 | 0.0024979 | 0.0529274 |
estimated | 0.0889689 | 0.0256536 | 0.0003692 | 0.0359862 |
gene.pi1 | gene.pve | snp.pi1 | snp.pve | |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0047262 | 0.0024979 | 0.0506180 |
estimated | 0.0228165 | 0.0066038 | 0.0005438 | 0.0512063 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0134063 | 0.0024979 | 0.0567824 |
estimated | 0.0416075 | 0.0120936 | 0.0005595 | 0.0531555 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0083281 | 0.0024979 | 0.0543350 |
estimated | 0.0612394 | 0.0174629 | 0.0004845 | 0.0457611 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0089567 | 0.0024979 | 0.0586225 |
estimated | 0.0637453 | 0.0182558 | 0.0007030 | 0.0653106 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0118538 | 0.0024979 | 0.0487240 |
estimated | 0.0452139 | 0.0130858 | 0.0005611 | 0.0531032 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0054891 | 0.0024979 | 0.0465223 |
estimated | 0.0680865 | 0.0191110 | 0.0003529 | 0.0333717 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0247506 | 0.0024979 | 0.0485317 |
estimated | 0.0666294 | 0.0194348 | 0.0006197 | 0.0591515 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0029643 | 0.0024979 | 0.0519305 |
estimated | 0.0100500 | 0.0029766 | 0.0005783 | 0.0552552 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0069086 | 0.0024979 | 0.0529274 |
estimated | 0.0498103 | 0.0145714 | 0.0004834 | 0.0466705 |
gene.pi1 | gene.pve | snp.pi1 | snp.pve | |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0047262 | 0.0024979 | 0.0506180 |
estimated | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 0.0005895 | 0.0552205 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0134063 | 0.0024979 | 0.0567824 |
estimated | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 0.0006964 | 0.0651481 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0083281 | 0.0024979 | 0.0543350 |
estimated | 0.0488315 | 0.0139788 | 0.0005269 | 0.0495375 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0089567 | 0.0024979 | 0.0586225 |
estimated | 0.0180747 | 0.0052461 | 0.0007962 | 0.0732005 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0118538 | 0.0024979 | 0.0487240 |
estimated | 0.0399764 | 0.0115843 | 0.0005800 | 0.0547575 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0054891 | 0.0024979 | 0.0465223 |
estimated | 0.0595675 | 0.0167656 | 0.0003795 | 0.0358011 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0247506 | 0.0024979 | 0.0485317 |
estimated | 0.0496988 | 0.0145644 | 0.0006602 | 0.0626893 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0029643 | 0.0024979 | 0.0519305 |
estimated | 0.0100559 | 0.0029783 | 0.0005783 | 0.0552540 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0069086 | 0.0024979 | 0.0529274 |
estimated | 0.0422545 | 0.0123905 | 0.0005078 | 0.0488983 |
gene.pi1 | gene.pve | snp.pi1 | snp.pve | |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0047262 | 0.0024979 | 0.0506180 |
estimated | 0.0204267 | 0.0059169 | 0.0005478 | 0.0515797 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0134063 | 0.0024979 | 0.0567824 |
estimated | 0.0416351 | 0.0121015 | 0.0005595 | 0.0531559 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0083281 | 0.0024979 | 0.0543350 |
estimated | 0.0612418 | 0.0174636 | 0.0004845 | 0.0457608 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0089567 | 0.0024979 | 0.0586225 |
estimated | 0.0637456 | 0.0182559 | 0.0007030 | 0.0653100 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0118538 | 0.0024979 | 0.0487240 |
estimated | 0.0452191 | 0.0130873 | 0.0005611 | 0.0531039 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0054891 | 0.0024979 | 0.0465223 |
estimated | 0.0680900 | 0.0191120 | 0.0003529 | 0.0333716 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0247506 | 0.0024979 | 0.0485317 |
estimated | 0.0666303 | 0.0194351 | 0.0006197 | 0.0591511 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0029643 | 0.0024979 | 0.0519305 |
estimated | 0.0100752 | 0.0029840 | 0.0005783 | 0.0552548 |
truth | 0.0502092 | 0.0069086 | 0.0024979 | 0.0529274 |
estimated | 0.0498103 | 0.0145714 | 0.0004834 | 0.0466705 |
Take simulation 1 (NULL; expr-snp; expr-snp) as examples. We use region size 500kb and PIP cut off at 0.5 for SUSIE.
f <- get_files(tag= tags[1], tag2 = tag2s[1])
a <- read.table(f[["rpip"]], header = T)
plot(a$p0, a$rPIP, pch =19, col ='salmon', xlab = "position", ylab= "Sum of PIP")
mr.ash2s PIP vs. susie PIP.
scatter_plot_PIP<- function(tag2){
f <- lapply(tags, get_files, tag2 = tag2)
mrashf <- lapply(f, '[[', "gmrash")
names(mrashf) <- tags
susief <- lapply(f, '[[', "gsusie")
names(susief) <- tags
.tagname <- function(x, flist){
a <- read.table(flist[[x]], header =T)
a[, "name"] <- paste0(x, ":", a[, "name"])
mrashres <-, lapply(tags, .tagname, flist = mrashf))
susieres <-, lapply(tags, .tagname, flist = susief))
res <- merge(mrashres, susieres, by = "name", all = T)
res <- res[complete.cases(res),]
res <- rename(res, c("PIP" = "mr.ash_PIP", "pip" = "SUSIE_PIP", "pip.null" = "SUSIE_PIP_null") )
res$ifcausal <- mapvalues(res$ifcausal,
to=c("Non causal", "Causal"))
fig1 <- plot_ly(data = res, x = ~ mr.ash_PIP, y = ~ SUSIE_PIP, color = ~ ifcausal,
colors = c( "salmon", "darkgreen"))
fig2 <- plot_ly(data = res, x = ~ mr.ash_PIP, y = ~ SUSIE_PIP_null, color = ~ ifcausal,
colors = c( "salmon", "darkgreen"))
fig <- subplot(fig1, fig2, titleX = TRUE, titleY = T, margin = 0.1)
Warning: `arrange_()` is deprecated as of dplyr 0.7.0.
Please use `arrange()` instead.
See vignette('programming') for more help
This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
ROC_plot<- function(tag2){
f <- lapply(tags, get_files, tag2 = tag2)
mrashf <- lapply(f, '[[', "gmrash")
names(mrashf) <- tags
susief <- lapply(f, '[[', "gsusie")
names(susief) <- tags
gwasf <- lapply(f, '[[', "ggwas")
names(gwasf) <- tags
.tagname <- function(x, flist, colnames = NULL){
a <- read.table(flist[[x]], header =T)
if (!is.null(colnames)){
colnames(a) <- colnames
a[, "name"] <- paste0(x, ":", a[, "name"])
mrashres <-, lapply(tags, .tagname, flist = mrashf))
susieres <-, lapply(tags, .tagname, flist = susief))
gwasres <-, lapply(tags, .tagname, flist = gwasf,
colnames = c("chr", "p0", "p1", "name", "Estimate", "Std.Error", "t-value", "PVALUE")))
res <- merge(mrashres, susieres, by = "name", all = T)
res <- merge(res, gwasres, by = "name", all = T)
res <- res[complete.cases(res),]
res <- rename(res, c("PIP" = "mr.ash", "pip" = "SUSIE", "PVALUE" = "TWAS") )
res[,"TWAS"] <- -log10(res[, "TWAS"])
roccolors <- c("red", "green", "blue")
methods <- c("mr.ash", "SUSIE", "TWAS")
plot(0, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), col="white", xlab = "FPR", ylab = "TPR")
for (i in 1:3){
method <- methods[i]
bordered <- res[order(res[,method]),]
actuals <- bordered$ifcausal == 1
sens <- (sum(actuals) - cumsum(actuals))/sum(actuals)
spec <- cumsum(!actuals)/sum(!actuals)
lines(1 - spec, sens, type = "l", col = roccolors[i])
auc <- sum(spec*diff(c(0, 1 - sens)))
cat("AUC for ", method, ": ", auc)
legend(0.6,0.3, legend= methods, col=roccolors, lty=1, cex=0.8)
AUC for mr.ash : 0.7517444AUC for SUSIE : 0.7683526AUC for TWAS : 0.7935694
AUC for mr.ash : 0.7463235AUC for SUSIE : 0.7708886AUC for TWAS : 0.7943248
AUC for mr.ash : 0.7250546AUC for SUSIE : 0.7637822AUC for TWAS : 0.799127
AUC for mr.ash : 0.6203323AUC for SUSIE : 0.717332AUC for TWAS : 0.7999876
AUC for mr.ash : 0.7248623AUC for SUSIE : 0.7642336AUC for TWAS : 0.7984251
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)
Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] plyr_1.8.6 tidyr_0.8.3 plotly_4.9.2.9000
[4] ggplot2_3.3.1 data.table_1.12.7 mr.ash.alpha_0.1-34
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_1.0.4.6 highr_0.7 compiler_3.5.1
[4] pillar_1.4.4 later_0.7.5 git2r_0.26.1
[7] workflowr_1.6.0 tools_3.5.1 digest_0.6.25
[10] viridisLite_0.3.0 jsonlite_1.6.1 evaluate_0.12
[13] tibble_3.0.1 lifecycle_0.2.0 gtable_0.2.0
[16] lattice_0.20-38 pkgconfig_2.0.2 rlang_0.4.6
[19] Matrix_1.2-15 shiny_1.2.0 crosstalk_1.0.0
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