Last updated: 2021-08-04
Checks: 5 2
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~/causalTWAS/causal-TWAS/analysis/summarize_twas-coloc_plots.R | analysis/summarize_twas-coloc_plots.R |
~/causalTWAS/causal-TWAS/analysis/summarize_focus_plots.R | analysis/summarize_focus_plots.R |
~/causalTWAS/causal-TWAS/analysis/summarize_smr_plots.R | analysis/summarize_smr_plots.R |
~/causalTWAS/causal-TWAS/analysis/summarize_mrjti_plots.R | analysis/summarize_mrjti_plots.R |
~/causalTWAS/causal-TWAS/code/qqplot.R | code/qqplot.R |
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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/simulation-ctwas-ukbWG-gtex.adipose_s80.45_041621.Rmd
) and HTML (docs/simulation-ctwas-ukbWG-gtex.adipose_s80.45_041621.html
) files. If you've configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
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File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 | bonferroni Fusion, description |
html | 6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 | bonferroni Fusion, description |
Rmd | 18f165e | simingz | 2021-06-15 | LDR2.R |
Rmd | b948950 | simingz | 2021-06-07 | matching ctwas v0.1.29 |
Rmd | fe0e8f8 | simingz | 2021-05-09 | added smr-heidi results, scripts matching v0.1.25 |
html | fe0e8f8 | simingz | 2021-05-09 | added smr-heidi results, scripts matching v0.1.25 |
Rmd | f9eedf9 | simingz | 2021-04-21 | focus results |
pgenfn = "/home/simingz/causalTWAS/ukbiobank/ukb_pgen_s80.45/ukb-s80.45_pgenfs.txt"
ld_pgenfn = "/home/simingz/causalTWAS/ukbiobank/ukb_pgen_s80.45/ukb-s80.45.2_pgenfs.txt"
outputdir = "/home/simingz/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_ctwas_rss_20210416/" # /
comparedir = "/home/simingz/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_ctwas_rss_20210416_compare/"
runtag = "ukb-s80.45-adi"
configtags = 1
simutags = paste(rep(1:2, each = length(1:5)), 1:5, sep = "-")
pgenfs <- read.table(pgenfn, header = F, stringsAsFactors = F)[,1]
pvarfs <- sapply(pgenfs, prep_pvar, outputdir = outputdir)
ld_pgenfs <- read.table(ld_pgenfn, header = F, stringsAsFactors = F)[,1]
ld_pvarfs <- sapply(ld_pgenfs, prep_pvar, outputdir = outputdir)
pgens <- lapply(1:length(pgenfs), function(x) prep_pgen(pgenf = pgenfs[x],pvarf = pvarfs[x]))
n.ori <- 80000 # number of samples
n <- pgenlibr::GetRawSampleCt(pgens[[1]])
p <- sum(unlist(lapply(pgens, pgenlibr::GetVariantCt))) # number of SNPs
J <- 8021 # number of genes
To simulate phenotype data, first we impute gene expression based on expression models, then we set gene/SNP pi1 and PVE, get rough effect size for causal SNPs and genes and simulate phenotype under the sparse model with spike and slab prior. Then we performed GWAS for all SNPs and get z scores for each by univariate linear regression.
LD genotype reference We used the genotype of 2k samples from UKbiobank (randomly selected from the samples used in simulations) to serve as the LD reference.
Expression models
We used GTEx Adipose tissue v7 dataset, the same as used for simulating phenotypes.
Get z scores for gene expression. We used expression models and LD reference to get z scores for gene expression.
Run ctwas_rss ctwas_rss
algorithm first runs on all regions to get rough estimate for gene and SNP prior. Then run on small regions (having small probablities of having > 1 causal signals based on rough estimates) to get more accurate estimate. To lower computational burden, we downsampled SNPs (0.1) to estimate parameters. With the estimated parameters, we then run susie for all regions using both genes and downsampled SNPs with specified \(L\). After this, for regions with strong gene signals, we rerun susie with full SNPs using specified \(L\).
ld_regions ='EUR'
, We used LDetect to define regions. To match UKbiobank data, we use the 'EUR' population
thin = 0.1
, downsampled SNPs to 1/10 for parameter estimation step
niter1 =3
, run niter1 =3
iterations first to get some rough parameter estimates.
prob_single = 0.8
, the probability of a region having at most 1 singal has to be at least 0.8 to be selected for the parameter estimation step. This probability is obtained by using the PIPs from the first few iterations.
niter2 = 30
, run niter2 = 30
for parameter estimation step
L = 3
, after parameter estimation, for running susie for all regions.
group_prior = NULL
, the intiating prior parameters we used for running susie for each region is uniform prior for genes and SNPs.
group_prior_var = NULL
, the intiating prior variance parameters we used for running susie for each region follows susie_rss's default (50).
max_SNP_region = 5000
, the maximum number of SNPs for re-running susie on strong gene signal regions is 5000.
simutag <- "1-1"
niter <- 1000
snp.p <- 5e-8
gene.p <- 1e-5
source(paste0(outputdir, "simu", simutag, "_param.R"))
load(paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutag, "-pheno.Rd"))
We select run 1-1 as an example.
# p1 <- pow(niter, n, phenores[["batch"]][[1]][["sigma_theta"]], snp.p)
[1] 0.159
# p2 <- pow(niter, n, phenores[["batch"]][[1]][["sigma_beta"]], gene.p)
[1] 0.2
# save(p1,p2, file = "data/power_s80.45.Rd")
simutag <- "1-1"
chrom <- 1
source(paste0(outputdir, "simu", simutag, "_param.R"))
load(paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutag, "-pheno.Rd"))
We select run 1-1 as an example.
exprgwasf <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutag, ".exprgwas.txt.gz")
exprvarf <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_chr", chrom, ".exprvar")
exprid <- read_exprvar(exprvarf)[, "id"]
cau <- as.matrix(exprid[phenores[["batch"]][[chrom]][["idx.cgene"]]])
pdist_plot(exprgwasf, chrom, cau)
exprgwas <- fread(exprgwasf, header =T)
snpgwasf <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutag, ".snpgwas.txt.gz")
pvarf <- pvarfs[chrom]
snpid <- read_pvar(pvarf)[, "id"]
cau <- as.matrix(snpid[phenores[["batch"]][[chrom]][["idx.cSNP"]]])
pdist_plot(snpgwasf, chrom, cau, thin = 0.1)
snpgwas <- fread(snpgwasf, header =T)
gg_qqplot(snpgwas$PVALUE, thin = 0.1)
resultsResults: Each row shows parameter estimation results from 5 simulation runs with similar settings (i.e. pi1 and PVE for genes and SNPs). Results from each run were represented by one dot, dots with the same color come from the same run. truth
: the true parameters, selected_truth
: the truth in selected regions that were used to estimate parameters, ctwas
: ctwas estimated parameters (using summary statistics as input). We run FUSION following default settings and adjust p values by BH method to get expected FDP.
We run FUSION following default settings and adjust p values by BH method to get expected FDP. We have also used Bonferroni correction for p values.
We ran coloc for all genes with TWAS p < 1e-4. We use PP4 (SNP associate with both traits). We ran SMR+HEIDI, using eQTL summary statistics GTEx v.7. We filter the results by requiring p_HEIDI > 0.05. The plots are based on SMR p value adjusted by BH method to get expected FDP.
We have tried to run MR-JTI. The results have higher false postive rate than TWAS. MR-JTI requires the SNPs be pruned before the analysis. It also requires that a gene has at least 20 eQTLs. This resulted in very few genes going into the analysis. Most genes left are in polymorphism dense regions, such as the MHC regions. I ran MR-JTI for top genes in TWAS, around 30-40% of them should be real. However, only a few genes pass MR-JTI’s 20 eQTL requirements and only 1 or 2 (5%) genes are real. We are showing MR-JTI results on this page.
plot_par <- function(configtag, runtag, simutags){
source(paste0(outputdir, "config", configtag, ".R"))
phenofs <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, "-pheno.Rd")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, "_config", configtag, ".s2.susieIrssres.Rd")
susieIfs2 <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu",simutags, "_config", configtag,".s2.susieIrss.txt")
mtx <- show_param(phenofs, susieIfs, susieIfs2, thin = thin)
cat("simulations ", paste(simutags, sep=",") , ": ")
cat("mean gene PVE:", mean(mtx[, "PVE.gene_truth"]), ",", "mean SNP PVE:", mean(mtx[, "PVE.SNP_truth"]), "\n")
plot_PIP <- function(configtag, runtag, simutags){
phenofs <- paste0(outputdir, "ukb-s80.45-adi", "_simu", simutags, "-pheno.Rd")
susieIfs <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu",simutags, "_config", configtag,".susieIrss.txt")
f1 <- caliPIP_plot(phenofs, susieIfs)
f2 <- ncausal_plot(phenofs, susieIfs)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(f1, f2, ncol =2)
plot_fusion_coloc <- function(configtag, runtag, simutags){
phenofs <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, "-pheno.Rd")
fusioncolocfs <- paste0(comparedir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, ".Adipose_Subcutaneous.coloc.result")
f1 <- caliFUSIONp_plot(phenofs, fusioncolocfs)
f2 <- ncausalFUSIONp_plot(phenofs, fusioncolocfs)
f3 <- caliFUSIONbon_plot(phenofs, fusioncolocfs)
f4 <- ncausalFUSIONbon_plot(phenofs, fusioncolocfs)
f5 <- caliPP4_plot(phenofs, fusioncolocfs, twas.p = 0.05/J)
f6 <- ncausalPP4_plot(phenofs, fusioncolocfs, twas.p = 0.05/J)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(f1, f2, ncol=2)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(f3, f4, ncol=2)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(f5, f6, ncol=2)
plot_focus <- function(configtag, runtag, simutags){
phenofs <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, "-pheno.Rd")
focusfs <- paste0(comparedir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, ".Adipose_Subcutaneous.focus.tsv")
f1 <- califocusPIP_plot(phenofs, focusfs)
f2 <- ncausalfocusPIP_plot(phenofs, focusfs)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(f1, f2, ncol=2)
plot_smr <- function(configtag, runtag, simutags){
phenofs <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, "-pheno.Rd")
smrfs <- paste0(comparedir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, ".Adipose_Subcutaneous.smr")
f1 <- caliSMRp_plot(phenofs, smrfs)
f2 <- ncausalSMRp_plot(phenofs, smrfs)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(f1, f2, ncol=2)
plot_mrjti <- function(configtag, runtag, simutags){
phenofs <- paste0(outputdir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, "-pheno.Rd")
mrfs <- paste0(comparedir, runtag, "_simu", simutags, ".Adipose_Subcutaneous.mrjti.result")
f1 <- caliMR_plot(phenofs, mrfs)
f2 <- ncausalMR_plot(phenofs, mrfs)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(f1, f2, ncol=2)
configtag <- 1
runtag = "ukb-s80.45-adi"
simutags <- paste(1, c(1,2,5), sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 1-1 1-2 1-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.1002441 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4907204
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(2, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.1080029 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4925448
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(3, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.05033594 , mean SNP PVE: 0.499349
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(4, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.05430913 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4942206
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(5, c(1, 3:5), sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 5-1 5-3 5-4 5-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.199856 , mean SNP PVE: 0.499843
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(6, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.2137071 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4894877
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(7, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.100911 , mean SNP PVE: 0.3086954
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(8, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.09848733 , mean SNP PVE: 0.3015623
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simutags <- paste(9, 1:4, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 : mean gene PVE: 0.01988759 , mean SNP PVE: 0.5016792
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
simutags <- paste(10, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.02179958 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4952402
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_fusion_coloc(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_focus(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_smr(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
Using the R LD matrices as the LD reference input for ctwas, instead of the genotype type of randomly subsetted samples. The LD R matrices are generated using all 300k samples that passed the our filtering criteria (generated by Wes Crouse). A R matrice is provided for each LD block region.
configtag <- "1_LDR"
simutags <- paste(1, c(1,2,5), sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 1-1 1-2 1-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.1002441 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4907204
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
simutags <- paste(2, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.1080029 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4925448
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
simutags <- paste(3, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.05033594 , mean SNP PVE: 0.499349
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
simutags <- paste(4, 1:5, sep = "-")
plot_par(configtag, runtag, simutags)
simulations 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 : mean gene PVE: 0.05430913 , mean SNP PVE: 0.4942206
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
plot_PIP(configtag, runtag, simutags)
Version | Author | Date |
6dee9b0 | simingz | 2021-07-22 |
R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)
Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] ggpubr_0.4.0 plotrix_3.7-6 cowplot_1.0.0 stringr_1.4.0
[5] plyr_1.8.4 tidyr_1.1.0 plotly_4.9.0 ggplot2_3.3.3
[9] data.table_1.13.2 ctwas_0.1.28
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] httr_1.4.2 jsonlite_1.6 viridisLite_0.3.0 foreach_1.4.4
[5] R.utils_2.9.0 pgenlibr_0.2 carData_3.0-2 logging_0.10-108
[9] highr_0.8 cellranger_1.1.0 yaml_2.2.0 pillar_1.5.1
[13] backports_1.1.4 lattice_0.20-38 glue_1.4.2 digest_0.6.20
[17] promises_1.0.1 ggsignif_0.5.0 colorspace_1.4-1 R.oo_1.22.0
[21] htmltools_0.3.6 httpuv_1.6.1 Matrix_1.2-18 pkgconfig_2.0.2
[25] broom_0.7.5 haven_2.3.1 purrr_0.3.4 scales_1.1.0
[29] whisker_0.3-2 openxlsx_4.1.0.1 later_0.8.0 rio_0.5.16
[33] git2r_0.26.1 tibble_3.1.0 farver_2.1.0 generics_0.0.2
[37] car_3.0-5 ellipsis_0.2.0.1 withr_2.4.1 lazyeval_0.2.2
[41] magrittr_1.5 crayon_1.3.4 readxl_1.3.1 evaluate_0.14
[45] R.methodsS3_1.7.1 fs_1.3.1 fansi_0.4.0 rstatix_0.7.0
[49] forcats_0.4.0 foreign_0.8-71 tools_3.6.1 hms_0.5.3
[53] lifecycle_1.0.0 munsell_0.5.0 ggsci_2.9 zip_2.0.3
[57] compiler_3.6.1 rlang_0.4.10 debugme_1.1.0 grid_3.6.1
[61] iterators_1.0.10 htmlwidgets_1.3 labeling_0.3 rmarkdown_2.9
[65] gtable_0.3.0 codetools_0.2-16 abind_1.4-5 DBI_1.1.0
[69] curl_3.3 R6_2.4.0 gridExtra_2.3 knitr_1.33
[73] dplyr_1.0.5 utf8_1.1.4 workflowr_1.6.2 rprojroot_1.3-2
[77] stringi_1.4.3 Rcpp_1.0.5 vctrs_0.3.7 tidyselect_1.1.0
[81] xfun_0.24