Last updated: 2020-04-04

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: causal-TWAS/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    .ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    code/.ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    data/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/simulation-WTCCC.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/simulation-WTCCC2.Rmd

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These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd f43fd46 simingz 2020-03-24 fix results display bug
html f43fd46 simingz 2020-03-24 fix results display bug
Rmd 84ad96a simingz 2019-11-25 X tilde
html 84ad96a simingz 2019-11-25 X tilde
Rmd eee8d19 simingz 2019-11-22 simu20191111
html eee8d19 simingz 2019-11-22 simu20191111
Rmd dd2b4ab simingz 2019-11-19 simulate phenotype
html dd2b4ab simingz 2019-11-19 simulate phenotype
Rmd 28a299b simingz 2019-11-17 PVE
html 28a299b simingz 2019-11-17 PVE
Rmd e5e3011 simingz 2019-11-11 simulate expression
html e5e3011 simingz 2019-11-11 simulate expression
Rmd dcd5252 simingz 2019-11-07 simulate description
html dcd5252 simingz 2019-11-07 simulate description
Rmd f7be05a simingz 2019-11-05 gemma

Use WTCCC data obtained from Peter on CRI.

Simulate expression

We simulate expression based on the following model:

\[ X = G\alpha + \xi\] For each gene, we sample \(L\) eQTLs for this gene, for eQTL \(k\), we have \[ \alpha_k \sim N(0,\sigma_\alpha^2) \] \[ \xi \sim N(0,1) \] Then we have the heritability of the gene:

\[\begin{aligned} h^2_{eQTL} &= \frac{var(G\alpha)}{var(G\alpha)+var(\xi)} \\ &= \frac{\Sigma_kvar(G_k) \alpha_k^2}{\Sigma_kvar(G_k) \alpha_k^2 + var(\xi)}\\ &= \frac{\Sigma_k\alpha_k^2}{\Sigma_k\alpha_k^2 + var(\xi)}\\ &\approx \frac{\Sigma_k\sigma_\alpha^2}{\Sigma_k\sigma_\alpha^2 + var(\xi)} \\ &=\frac{K\sigma_\alpha^2}{1+K\sigma_\alpha^2} \end{aligned}\]

Here, we use scaled genotype data, so \(var(G)=1\). We also have \(\alpha^2_k \approx E(\alpha_k^2)=var(\alpha_k^2)=\sigma_\alpha^2\). Usually, \(K\) ranges from 1 to 5, let \(\sigma_\alpha = 0.3\), then \(h^2_{eQTL}\) ranges from 0.08 to 0.31, this is consistent with gene cis-heritability in reality.

Simulate quantitative phenotype

We simulate phenotype following

\[Y = G\alpha\gamma + G\theta + \epsilon\].

For \(\alpha\), we used the same as used in simulating expression. \(\gamma \sim N(0,\sigma_\gamma^2), \theta \sim N(0, \sigma_\theta^2), \epsilon \sim N (0,1)\). To choose proper \(\sigma_\gamma\) and \(\sigma_\theta\). We used the following formula:

\[\begin{align} PVE_{SNP} = &\frac{var(G\theta)}{var(G\theta) + var(\tilde{X}\gamma) + \sigma_e^2}\\ \approx &\frac{M\sigma_\theta^2}{M\sigma_\theta^2 + \Sigma_jvar(\tilde{X_j})\gamma_j^2+ \sigma_e^2}\\ \approx &\frac{M\sigma_\theta^2}{M\sigma_\theta^2 + Jvar(\tilde{X})\sigma_\gamma^2+ \sigma_e^2}\\ \end{align}\]

\[ PVE_{expr} \approx \frac{Jvar(\tilde{X})\sigma_\gamma^2}{M\sigma_\theta^2 + Jvar(\tilde{X})\sigma_\gamma^2+ \sigma_e^2}\]

Here, \(var(\tilde{X})\) is the cis-heratbility of gene expression. \(M\) and \(J\) are numbers of causal SNP and gene respectively.

Thus in order to get desired \(PVE_{SNP}\) and \(PVE_{expr}\), we set \(\sigma_\theta^2\) and \(\sigma_\gamma^2\) based on the following formula:

\[\sigma_\theta^2 = \frac{PVE_{SNP}}{M(1-PVE_{SNP} - PVE_{expr})}\] \[\sigma_\gamma^2 = \frac{PVE_{expr}}{Jvar(\tilde{X})(1-PVE_{SNP} - PVE_{expr})}\]

simudir <- "/home/simingz/causalTWAS/simulations/simulation_WTCCC_20191111/"
Gvar <- mean(apply(X,2,var))
show_res <- function(simutag){
  outdf1 <- data.frame(truth = c(sigma_gamma^2*J.c, sigma_theta^2*M.c/Gvar , 1))
  row.names(outdf1) <- c("sigma_gamma^2","sigma_theta^2","sigma_e^2")
  res <- readLines(paste0(simudir, simutag, "_VC/output/", simutag, ".log.txt"))
  outdf1$est <- as.numeric(strsplit(res[24], "  ")[[1]][2:4])
  outdf1$ <- as.numeric(strsplit(res[25], "  ")[[1]][2:4])
  outdf2 <- data.frame("est"= c(as.numeric(strsplit(res[20], "  ")[[1]][2:3]), as.numeric(strsplit(res[22], "=")[[1]][2])))
  row.names(outdf2) <- c("PVE.expr","PVE.snp","")
  outdf2$ <- c(as.numeric(strsplit(res[21], "  ")[[1]][2:3]), as.numeric(strsplit(res[23], "=")[[1]][2]))

Simulation 1: \(M\) = No. of all SNPs, \(J\) = No. all genes

We simulate quantitative phenotype under several scenarios. First we make all genes with imputed gene expression as causal genes and all SNPs as causal SNPs. This matches our polygenic version of the model.

1.1 \(PVE_{SNP} \approx 0.1\), \(PVE_{expr} \approx 0.1\)

                  truth      est
sigma_gamma^2 0.4844631 0.576745 0.1373830
sigma_theta^2 0.4365506 0.206319 0.2265750
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.048360 0.0723783
PVE.expr  0.1150480 0.0274049
PVE.snp   0.0527935 0.0579769 0.1678420 0.0574520

1.2 \(PVE_{SNP}\approx 0.4\), \(PVE_{expr}\approx 0.1\)

                  truth     est
sigma_gamma^2 0.7751409 1.02284 0.229406
sigma_theta^2 2.7939238 1.50579 0.393121
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.27095 0.128254
PVE.expr  0.127666 0.0286335
PVE.snp   0.241090 0.0629421 0.368756 0.0637001

Simulation 2: \(M\) = No. of all SNPs, \(J\) = ~10% all genes (J=2000)

2.1 \(PVE_{SNP} \approx 0.1\), \(PVE_{expr} \approx 0.1\)

                  truth      est
sigma_gamma^2 0.4844631 0.423657 0.129243
sigma_theta^2 0.4365506 0.138791 0.205555
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.061920 0.064932
PVE.expr  0.0877619 0.0267731
PVE.snp   0.0368805 0.0546217 0.1246420 0.0535243

2.2 \(PVE_{SNP} \approx 0.4\), \(PVE_{expr} \approx 0.1\)

                  truth      est
sigma_gamma^2 0.7751409 0.644789 0.209481
sigma_theta^2 2.7939238 1.510700 0.363672
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.307530 0.115167
PVE.expr  0.0828177 0.0269061
PVE.snp   0.2489020 0.0599185 0.3317200 0.0588617

Simulation 3: \(M\) = ~ 1% all SNPs (M=5000), \(J\) = No. all genes

3.1 \(PVE_{SNP} \approx 0.1\), \(PVE_{expr} \approx 0.1\)

                  truth       est
sigma_gamma^2 0.4844631 0.4286100 0.1308600
sigma_theta^2 0.4365506 0.0860036 0.2247160
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.1093200 0.0704246
PVE.expr  0.0865320 0.0264194
PVE.snp   0.0222729 0.0581962 0.1088050 0.0565770

3.2 \(PVE_{SNP} \approx 0.4\), \(PVE_{expr} \approx 0.1\)

                  truth      est
sigma_gamma^2 0.7751409 0.710255 0.220093
sigma_theta^2 2.7939238 1.592890 0.386914
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.339000 0.122368
PVE.expr  0.0878836 0.0272333
PVE.snp   0.2528280 0.0614121 0.3407110 0.0602505

Simulation 4: \(M\) = ~ 1% all SNPs (M=5000), \(J\) = ~10% all genes (J=2000)

4.1 \(PVE_{SNP} \approx 0.1\), \(PVE_{expr} \approx 0.1\)

                  truth       est
sigma_gamma^2 0.4844631 0.4104640 0.1367470
sigma_theta^2 0.4365506 0.0964066 0.2334440
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.1115300 0.0738127
PVE.expr  0.0828015 0.0275855
PVE.snp   0.0249469 0.0604076 0.1077480 0.0592509

4.2 \(PVE_{SNP} \approx 0.4\), \(PVE_{expr} \approx 0.1\)

                  truth      est
sigma_gamma^2 0.7751409 0.653871 0.224143
sigma_theta^2 2.7939238 1.958680 0.438850
sigma_e^2     1.0000000 1.191170 0.142630
PVE.expr  0.0827021 0.0283498
PVE.snp   0.3177850 0.0712011 0.4004870 0.0717854

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/

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