Last updated: 2023-06-11

Checks: 1 1

Knit directory: causal-TWAS/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

The R Markdown file has unstaged changes. To know which version of the R Markdown file created these results, you’ll want to first commit it to the Git repo. If you’re still working on the analysis, you can ignore this warning. When you’re finished, you can run wflow_publish to commit the R Markdown file and build the HTML.

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version c440306. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    .ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    analysis/.ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    code/.ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    code/before_package/.ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    code/workflow/.ipynb_checkpoints/
    Ignored:    code/workflow/.snakemake/
    Ignored:    code/workflow/logs/.snakemake/
    Ignored:    data/
    Ignored:    output/.ipynb_checkpoints/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/index.Rmd

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/index.Rmd) and HTML (docs/index.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd c440306 simingz 2023-06-10 more settings for low SNP PVE
html c440306 simingz 2023-06-10 more settings for low SNP PVE
Rmd 972fe6d simingz 2023-06-05 low PVE simulation bug fix
html 972fe6d simingz 2023-06-05 low PVE simulation bug fix
Rmd de95a10 simingz 2023-05-08 110k simulation
html de95a10 simingz 2023-05-08 110k simulation
Rmd d76d5c4 simingz 2023-04-20 more simulation settings for low SNP PVE
html d76d5c4 simingz 2023-04-20 more simulation settings for low SNP PVE
Rmd ca90eff simingz 2021-07-31 simulation paper figures
html ca90eff simingz 2021-07-31 simulation paper figures
Rmd fe0e8f8 simingz 2021-05-09 added smr-heidi results, scripts matching v0.1.25
html fe0e8f8 simingz 2021-05-09 added smr-heidi results, scripts matching v0.1.25
Rmd b096cb2 simingz 2021-04-04 add coloc
html b096cb2 simingz 2021-04-04 add coloc
Rmd 5cca4e3 simingz 2021-03-25 snp harmonization notes
html 5cca4e3 simingz 2021-03-25 snp harmonization notes
Rmd 3dd8cb2 simingz 2021-02-19 mix normal simulate phenotype
html 3dd8cb2 simingz 2021-02-19 mix normal simulate phenotype
Rmd 68d891f simingz 2021-01-26 ctwas para results
html 68d891f simingz 2021-01-26 ctwas para results
html fd9b304 simingz 2020-11-18 index
html 447a401 simingz 2020-11-13 pip cali
html 547abc4 simingz 2020-10-30 logBF
Rmd f9c55de simingz 2020-10-30 log bayes factor
html f9c55de simingz 2020-10-30 log bayes factor
html bf57f32 simingz 2020-10-24 qqplot
Rmd 6526634 simingz 2020-10-23 filtered samples s40.22
html 6526634 simingz 2020-10-23 filtered samples s40.22
Rmd fc1e98d simingz 2020-10-20 small pvalues
Rmd c2dee2c simingz 2020-10-14 wg susieI
html c2dee2c simingz 2020-10-14 wg susieI
Rmd 4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14 susieI plots
html 4d39fd6 simingz 2020-09-14 susieI plots
Rmd c989c96 simingz 2020-09-08 pretty plot for Xin’s grant
Rmd bb0bce0 simingz 2020-09-03 susie prior
html bb0bce0 simingz 2020-09-03 susie prior
Rmd 86681eb simingz 2020-08-28 susieI all regions
html 86681eb simingz 2020-08-28 susieI all regions
Rmd 846fb96 simingz 2020-08-14 susieI
html 846fb96 simingz 2020-08-14 susieI
Rmd 2216650 simingz 2020-08-06 Remove ignored files
html 2216650 simingz 2020-08-06 Remove ignored files
Rmd 75d7755 simingz 2020-08-05 visual chr17to22
html 75d7755 simingz 2020-08-05 visual chr17to22
Rmd b6132ab simingz 2020-08-05 visual chr17to22
html b6132ab simingz 2020-08-05 visual chr17to22
Rmd f6ea15c simingz 2020-08-04 change sa2 grid
html f6ea15c simingz 2020-08-04 change sa2 grid
html 537def8 simingz 2020-07-24 chr17:22
Rmd e0835ef simingz 2020-07-24 chr17:22
Rmd 89b90ad simingz 2020-07-24 chr17:22
html 89b90ad simingz 2020-07-24 chr17:22
Rmd c00bcb1 simingz 2020-06-24 SUSIE examples
html c00bcb1 simingz 2020-06-24 SUSIE examples
Rmd fdd6e55 simingz 2020-06-24 susie examples
html fdd6e55 simingz 2020-06-24 susie examples
Rmd d3e7ba5 simingz 2020-06-24 susie more examples
html d3e7ba5 simingz 2020-06-24 susie more examples
Rmd 4188e0a simingz 2020-06-24 susie more examples
html 4188e0a simingz 2020-06-24 susie more examples
html de12f19 simingz 2020-06-20 reduce mr.ash memory/mr.ashs
Rmd f41a1de simingz 2020-06-18 logging and more weights for chr22
html f41a1de simingz 2020-06-18 logging and more weights for chr22
Rmd 8708f04 simingz 2020-06-11 SUSIE
html 8708f04 simingz 2020-06-11 SUSIE
html e69753c simingz 2020-06-11 after clean
Rmd 3a24c5e simingz 2020-06-11 plotly
html 3a24c5e simingz 2020-06-11 plotly
Rmd 8f01adb simingz 2020-05-28 mr.ash2s
html 8f01adb simingz 2020-05-28 mr.ash2s
Rmd e417c92 simingz 2020-05-20 test mr.ash2
html e417c92 simingz 2020-05-20 test mr.ash2
Rmd 8c5b557 simingz 2020-05-20 test mr.ash2
html 8c5b557 simingz 2020-05-20 test mr.ash2
Rmd 8294257 simingz 2020-05-19 test mr.ash
html 8294257 simingz 2020-05-19 test mr.ash
Rmd ec20419 simingz 2020-04-16 veb-boost-repo
html ec20419 simingz 2020-04-16 veb-boost-repo
Rmd f327bca simingz 2020-04-12 mr.ash description
html f327bca simingz 2020-04-12 mr.ash description
Rmd 83288ad simingz 2020-03-31 sparse model description
html 83288ad simingz 2020-03-31 sparse model description
Rmd af533ec simingz 2020-03-27 veb-boost reference
html af533ec simingz 2020-03-27 veb-boost reference
html c6535ef simingz 2020-03-25 fix results display bug
Rmd e86023b simingz 2020-03-25 fix results display bug
Rmd 2ae8625 simingz 2020-03-24 polygenic done
Rmd a618a44 simingz 2020-03-13 v1.0 simulate expression using separate data 20191127
html a618a44 simingz 2020-03-13 v1.0 simulate expression using separate data 20191127
html dcd5252 simingz 2019-11-07 simulate description
Rmd f7be05a simingz 2019-11-05 gemma
html 56ba4ae simingz 2019-11-03 add git icon
Rmd 68e228f simingz 2019-11-03 model and Xin’s simulation
html 68e228f simingz 2019-11-03 model and Xin’s simulation


Test mr.ash

Using UKbiobank data (chr22)

Test mr.ash2s

A simplified version (mr.ash2) of Veb_boost: interative update of two mr.ash components

A simplified version (mr.ash2s): interative update of two mr.ash components, now including updates of sigma2 in each iteration and initiate with mr.ash for all.