Last updated: 2016-04-25
Code version: 95ec930330b176f30975ac57519e929f3a04adc4
The purpose of this file is to test the performance of the Gibbs sampler with real data. Presumably gene epxression data for site \(g\) is \(G_g \approx \theta_{cis} X_g + \epsilon_g\), meaning the mean standardized expression will approximately be \(G_g - \bar{G}_g \approx \theta_{cis} \left(X_g - \bar{X}_g\right) + \epsilon_g\). If \(\theta_{cis}\) is small then I should be able to simulate my own effects without much influence from the genotype. I will simulate data using one of the raw expression files Brian sent by: 1.) Center the true gene epxression matrix \(G \in \mathbb{R}^{n_{\text{ind}} \times n_{\text{genes}}}\) 2.) Chose an anchor gene \(g\) and chose the \(t\) most correlated genes using \(\Sigma_g = \frac{1}{n_{\text{ind}} G^T G\) as a metric. 3.) Simulate genotypes \(X \in \mathbb{R}^{n_{\text{ind}} \times 1}\) for the anchor gene \(g\). 4.) Fix the cis-eQTL effect \(\theta_g > 0\) and partition the \(t\) nodes into D, I, U nodes. 5.) Simulate \(Y \in \mathbb{R}^{(t+1) \times 1}\) using \(\Sigma_g\) as the correlation matrix.
For these simulations, I will shrink the indirect effects by a constant \(\lambda = 0.9\).
source("../R/Model2.R") <- "../data/raw_expression/skinsunexposedlowerleg_hcp_corrected_factors_genes_certain_biotypes_TPM.txt"
G.raw <- data.frame(read.table(, sep="\t", dec=".", header=T, check.names=T))
n.ind <- ncol(G.raw) - 1 #Number of individuals
p <- nrow(G.raw) #Number of genes
G.centered <- as.matrix(G.raw[,2:(n.ind+1)]) - cbind( apply(as.matrix(G.raw[,2:(n.ind+1)]), 1, mean) ) %*% rbind( rep(1, n.ind) )
Create networks of up to \(t\) highly correlated genes with at most \(m\) neighbors
m <- 4 #Minimum number of neighbors
t <- 9 #Maximum number of neighbors
cor.thresh <- 0.8 #Correlation threshold to be considered a neighbor
Network.genes <- list() #The first index is the anchor gene
Network.Exp <- list() #Raw gene expression of genes in the network
count <- 1
for (g in 1:p) {
G.g <- G.centered[g,]
corr.g <- G.g %*% t(G.centered) / n.ind
corr.g <- corr.g / corr.g[g]
ind.g <- which(abs(corr.g) >= cor.thresh)
if (length(ind.g) >= m+1) {
ind.g.sorted <- order(-corr.g)[1:min(t+1, length(ind.g))]
Network.genes[[count]] <- ind.g.sorted
Network.Exp[[count]] <- G.centered[ind.g.sorted,] #an n.nei + 1 x n.ind matrix
count <- count + 1
n.networks <- count - 1
Define parameters for simulation
theta <- 0.4 #effect size = theta * standard deviation
maf <- 0.1 #minor allele frequency
D <- c(1) #Direct effect indices
I <- c(2:m) #Indirect effect indices
lambda <- 0.9 #Shrinkage parameter for indirect effects
n.D <- length(D)
n.I <- length(I)
###Some Parameters for the Gibbs Sampler###
n.iter <- 2000
n.burn <- 1000
theta.gibbs <- c(0.5,0.5,0.5) #If Dirichlet = T, this is the prior on alpha. Otherwise, this is proportional to the probability of unaffected, indirectly affected, directly affected by the cis-eQTL
Dirichlet <- T
sigma.a <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6) #Prior sd's on effect; used in BF calculation
weights.sigma <- c(1,1,1) #Relative weights of each element of sigma.a
Simulate and analyze data
SimResults.cgm <- list() #posterior probability unaffected from CGM's method (condition on Sigma)
SimResults.stephens <- list() #posterior probability unaffected from Matthew's method (Wishart prior on Sigma)
for ( in 1:n.networks) {
net.genes <- Network.genes[[]]
raw.expr <- Network.Exp[[]]
n.nei <- nrow(raw.expr) - 1
m.wishart <- n.nei + 1 ##DOF used in Wishart prior in Bayes Factor analysis
U <- ((m+1):(n.nei+1))
n.U <- length(U)
X.genotype <- rbinom(n.ind, 1, maf) + rbinom(n.ind, 1, maf) #Genotype vector <- raw.expr %*% t(raw.expr) / n.ind #Covariance matrix for the simulated network (needed for indirect effects)
Sigma.12 <-[I, c(D, U)]
Sigma.22 <-[c(D, U), c(D, U)]
tmp.vec <- lambda * Sigma.12 %*% cbind( solve(Sigma.22, c(rep(1, n.D), rep(0, n.U))) )
effect.size <- theta *[1,1] #Effect of genotype at source gene
mu.D <- effect.size * matrix( rep(X.genotype, n.D), nrow=n.D, ncol=n.ind, byrow=T ) #Mean for direct effect
mu.I <- effect.size * lambda * cbind(tmp.vec) %*% rbind(X.genotype) #Mean for indirect effects
Y.sim <- raw.expr
Y.sim[D,] <- Y.sim[D,] + mu.D
Y.sim[I,] <- Y.sim[I,] + mu.I #A (n.nei + 1) x n.ind matrix
suff.stat <- Suff.stat(t(Y.sim), X.genotype)
gibbs.cgm <- Gibbs.dir.cgm(n.iter, n.burn, suff.stat, D[1], n.ind, sigma.a, weights.sigma, theta=theta.gibbs, dirichlet=Dirichlet, update.lambda=F)
gibbs.stephens <- Gibbs.dir.1(n.iter, n.burn, suff.stat, D[1], n.ind, sigma.a, weights.sigma, m.wishart, theta.gibbs, Dirichlet)
SimResults.cgm[[]] <- gibbs.cgm$post.mean.U
SimResults.stephens[[]] <- gibbs.stephens$post.mean.U
Look at: 1.) estimated conditional FDR vs. true FDR for both CGM’s and Matthew’s models 2.) True positive rate as a function of true FDR for both CGM’s and Matthew’s models
post.U.D.cgm <- c()
post.U.I.cgm <- c()
post.U.U.cgm <- c()
post.U.D.stephens <- c()
post.U.I.stephens <- c()
post.U.U.stephens <- c()
for ( in 1:n.networks) {
post.U.cgm <- SimResults.cgm[[]]
post.U.stephens <- SimResults.stephens[[]]
n.nei <- length(post.U.cgm) - 1
U <- ((m+1):(n.nei+1))
n.U <- length(U)
if (n.D > 1) {
post.U.D.cgm <- c(post.U.D.cgm, post.U.cgm[2:n.D])
post.U.I.cgm <- c(post.U.I.cgm, post.U.cgm[I])
post.U.U.cgm <- c(post.U.U.cgm, post.U.cgm[U])
if (n.D > 1) {
post.U.D.stephens <- c(post.U.D.stephens, post.U.stephens[2:n.D])
post.U.I.stephens <- c(post.U.I.stephens, post.U.stephens[I])
post.U.U.stephens <- c(post.U.U.stephens, post.U.stephens[U])
} <- c(post.U.D.cgm, post.U.I.cgm, post.U.U.cgm); <- order( #Posterior probabilities genes are UNAFFECTED by SNP
gene.label.cgm <- c(rep(2, (n.D-1)*n.networks), rep(1, n.I*n.networks), rep(0, length( - (n.D-1)*n.networks - n.I*n.networks))[] <- sort( <- c(post.U.D.stephens, post.U.I.stephens, post.U.U.stephens); <- order( #Posterior probabilities genes are UNAFFECTED by SNP
gene.label.stephens <- c(rep(2, (n.D-1)*n.networks), rep(1, n.I*n.networks), rep(0, length( - (n.D-1)*n.networks - n.I*n.networks))[] <- sort(
fdr.all.cgm <- Cond.FDR(
fdr.labels.all.cgm <- FDR.labels(gene.label.cgm)
sens.all.cgm <- Sens.labels(gene.label.cgm)
plot(fdr.all.cgm, fdr.labels.all.cgm, xlab="Conditional False Discovery Rate From Gibbs Sampler", ylab="True False Discovery Rate", main="False Discovery Rate in CGM's Method", type="l")
abline(a=0,b=1, col="red")
plot(fdr.labels.all.cgm, sens.all.cgm, xlab="True False Discovery Rate", ylab="Sensitivity = Fraction of Indirect and Directly Affected Genes Captured", main="ROC Plot for CGM's Method", type="l")
hist(1 - post.U.I.cgm, xlab="Posterior Probability Gene is Affected by SNP", main="Indirect Effect Sensitivity in CGM's Method")
fdr.all.stephens <- Cond.FDR(
fdr.labels.all.stephens <- FDR.labels(gene.label.stephens)
sens.all.stephens <- Sens.labels(gene.label.stephens)
plot(fdr.all.stephens, fdr.labels.all.cgm, xlab="Conditional False Discovery Rate From Gibbs Sampler", ylab="True False Discovery Rate", main="False Discovery Rate in Matthew's Method", type="l")
abline(a=0,b=1, col="red")
plot(fdr.labels.all.stephens, sens.all.stephens, xlab="True False Discovery Rate", ylab="Sensitivity = Fraction of Indirect and Directly Affected Genes Captured", main="ROC Plot for Matthews's Method", type="l")
hist(1 - post.U.I.stephens, xlab="Posterior Probability Gene is Affected by SNP", main="Indirect Effect Sensitivity in Matthews's Method")
We see that if we use real data as residuals and no indirect effect shrinkage (i.e. \(\lambda = 1\)), we get the right answer using both models assuming moderate effect sizes (standardize effect size \(=\) 0.4 \(\times\) sd of expression for anchor gene). For \(\lambda < 1\) (data shown above for \(\lambda = 0.9\)), we have a more difficult time recovering indirect effects, as expected.
R version 3.2.4 (2016-03-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)
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